YAWN – Daily Prompt

( YAWN ) What bores me? Power Rangers.

Today’s prompt was about what bores me?

If I had answered that question a year ago my response would have been different. For example, I am not a shopper. Going to the mall and digging through sales and clothes/items has never been my thing ever since I was traumatized in stores (particularly Kmart) by my Big Momma (grand mom). I especially hate shopping with other people. Going to the mall with girlfriends is the quickest way to give me a headache and a nasty attitude. To keep myself in check, I always bring a book and if I can find a place to sit while everyone finishes shopping then I can manage to make the best of the shopping trip.

Now, of course I have to shop from time to time. When I go to the store, I like to know what I want and go to a store or two and get out before my feet start hurting.

But today, I’m a stay at home mom. And I love to get out of the house. There are times now when I love to go to the store! And all of a sudden, I’ve become a shopper. I swear for a few months after I moved here, I had a package being delivered from amazon.com about twice a week.

I suspect that I might still end up with a headache and a nasty attitude if I found myself in a store for too long with certain folks. But today, that would not be my number one answer for what bores me.

The answer today would probably be Power Rangers. I hate Power Rangers!! My seven year old son loves them!!  I have tried to get into it with him but that has to be the cheesiest thing ever made – the dialogue, the costumes, the special effects. All of it sucks. Thankfully, I always have a book nearby and I can read until it goes off and he’s had his Power Ranger fix.


3 thoughts on “YAWN – Daily Prompt

  1. I have to agree with you there!! Playing games with the kids, especially superheros and the like is one of the most difficult tasks I’ve ever been forced to set my mind to!!! I found myself in struggle city more than once!! Thank goodness they’re older now! Great post, cheers Nicole

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