Marhenyantoz's Blog

Construction of Mosque and Islamic Center at Ground Zero

Posted on: 23/08/2010

Construction of Mosque and Islamic Center at Ground Zero

The horrendous news of Amirika States, about the plan of development will be built mosque and Islamic center in Lower Manhattan, which is located not far from Ground Zero site, the former World Trade Center in 2001. Cordoba House, its name, planned to include 13 floors of a building to accommodate a space for prayer, auditorium, swimming pool and several meeting rooms.

Of course we welcome with joy and felt no sense of ‘anxiety’ with the existence of some quarters against the plan. However, we pray God willing, still be done. This is all thanks to the prayers and support of Muslim communities worldwide.

We hope the government through Mr. Amirika States. Barack Hussein Obama can continue the proficiency level in these plans at Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan., New York. In the month of Ramadan is a good start for America to start building more polite, wise, fairness, tolerance, and respect and uphold the rights of citizens to worship with faith. Moreover, as Obama has said, Ramadan is when Muslims around the world reflect on virtues and guidance that comes along with faith and responsibility of human beings towards one another and to God the Creator of the Universe.
At this Ramadan, said Obama encouraged kemajuanserta justice and remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and the role of Islam in promoting justice, progress, tolerance and dignity of all mankind. ”
Obama also said that Ramadan is a celebration of faith that recognizes the diversity and racial equality. “And here, in the United States, Ramadan is a time to remind us all that Islam has always been part of American and Muslim American bahwa has contributed extraordinary for our country, for the faithful Muslims berhak establish places of worship anywhere, including in Manhattan in accordance with the First Amendment (U.S. Constitution) protects religious freedom. We’ll see who the proponents and opponents of the plan:

1. a. President Barack Hussein Obama “I believe that Muslims have the same rights to practice their religion, as other people in this country. And that includes the right to build places of worship and a community center in privately owned buildings in Lower Manhattan, in accordance with the rules and laws local (New York), “Obama said.
b. By saying he supports the right of Muslims to build in these places
c. Muslim communities have the same rights in conducting the same religion as everyone else
d. “The belief we are against religious freedom is not unwavering,”
e. “We all must accept and respect the sensitivities of development in Lower Manhattan. Ground Zero is a sacred place. But I must explain, as a citizen and president, I believe Muslims have the same rights in the conduct of worship just like everyone else in this country.
f. “Including the right to build places of worship and activity center on private land in Lower Manhattan, in accordance with local law. This is America and our beliefs on religious freedom should not be shaken. Received by adherents of any religion in this country, and the same treatment is our fundamental nature. ”
g. American tradition of religious tolerance that distinguishes his country with “our enemies”.
2. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, said that he would not prohibit construction of a mosque and Islamic Center near Ground Zero that.
U.S. representative from New York’s Peter King is a link “If everyone step back and look at this truly represents the best interests of everyone to do it … especially the Muslim community, to show that they are serious about building it and that they not only trying to make a statement with will have a mosque built at Ground Zero.
3. Muslim and non Muslim communities

1. Democrats leader Senator in the U.S. Senate, Harry Reid of Nevada Senate, Jim Manley was quoted as saying the AFP
2. Former Republican candidate for vice president on the U.S. Election So, Sarah Palin,
3. Senior politicians and a number of prominent Republican conservatives
4. Families of the victims died attack the World Trade Center in 2001

At the State to promote the democracy and freedom of religion should be the U.S. Government provides support for the establishment of Mosque and Islamic Center at Ground Zero was expected to accompany the Masjid al-Farah mosque in Manhattan and that only a few blocks from that location, so the U.S. public in general and the New York Society in particular can look more closely at how the teachings of Islam, and also can explore the real teachings of Islam, Islam is gentle, Islam does not teach violence …! With the permission of Allah, we hope materialize, Amiiin.

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