Adventures of a Kidney Donor

August 12, 2013

Happy 2nd Anniversary!

Filed under: Kidney Donation — by anne315 @ 11:16 am
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2-cakeHappy 2nd anniversary to the recipient and me. Today marks two years since the kidney I used to have went to someone else out there. I don’t say “my” kidney anymore, I say “the” kidney since it is now his. I am glad it is his too!  Hope he is having a great dialysis free life and doing things he always wanted to do.

So many lives are touched by kidney disease and donation. I have several kidney heroes in my life. My dear friend Jackie of course. Three people who work with me:  Kiersten received a kidney from her friend Theresa, Larissa gave a kidney to her father, and Jon’s daughter Bridget received a kidney from her mom Amy.

I hear from people all over the world who have donated a kidney or are waiting for a kidney. I am grateful if this blog helps them in a small way. For those waiting, never give up hope!

What can you do for those waiting? My best anniversary present would be that everyone reading this sign up to be an organ donor if they haven’t done so already. Make sure your family and friends are registered. You CAN make a difference!

Join the Michigan Registry or Join the Registry in your state.

Go to List of Resources on Kidney Donation


  1. How great to be part of someone’s new adventures–you truly gave the gift of a lifetime and you will always be a hero to me, Brave Woman!

    Comment by mkw — August 12, 2013 @ 3:53 pm |Reply

  2. Congrats on your 2nd Anniversary!
    Love, yer Mum

    Comment by Jan Taylor — August 12, 2013 @ 4:50 pm |Reply

  3. It will be a year August 14th 2013 that I gave my sister a kidney and we are both doing very well, was so happy to do it.

    Comment by patty bobby — August 13, 2013 @ 10:49 am |Reply

  4. It will be two years this year, 11/11/13, that I gave my dad one of my kidneys! Congrats!

    Comment by Mick — November 1, 2013 @ 11:15 am |Reply

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