Today is…


Today is a day of completion.  Thy will be done today Lord not mine. 

Miracle follows miracle.  I give thanks for this perfect day. 

Please give me a definite lead.  Let me know if there is anything I need to do.

The above is the set of affirmations which came to me this morning when I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock.  The memorized phrases came unbidden as they often do and as usual, I simply went with the flow, repeating them until the alarm blared again, announcing it was really time to get up!

I’ve spoken about affirmations before in many posts.  If you search Louise Hay or Florence Scovel Shinn on my blog (below I’ve given you a few links!) you’ll find oodles of information in case you’re interested.  For me, affirmations are a way to psychically, emotionally and sometimes perhaps physically, change the channel in my mindset.

I can only speak for myself, but there have been times where my mind repetitively blocks the flow of energy to my body by concentrating on a thought that’s not healthy for me.  So when I realize this, I simply change the channel by introducing another thought, another affirmation.  It’s like dealing with a child who’s attracted to the flame of a candle.  You simply take her hand and lead her to something that’s more interesting so that she forgets about the allure of the flame and changes her focus to something less dangerous and more positive.  As a parent, you probably know what I mean, don’t you?

So I find that my mind sometimes needs a little reset button ~ even a delete button and I’ve learned how to change the channel in order to stay on track.  It’s really quite simple.  I have an arsenal of affirmations which speak to me.  I listed them and can pull up the file as needed.  Of course, I’ve been doing this for awhile now so many of them are already memorized.  It’s like checking the file cabinet in my mind.

Here are a few I use often:

Divine Love floods my consciousness with health and every cell in my body is filled with light.

Money comes to me under grace in perfect ways. 

I give thanks that I am abundantly supported.

I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams.

I give thanks that the life that is mine is filled with love,

laughter, health, wealth and happiness for all.

I am thankful that I am led today where I am most helpful

and I share happiness wherever I go.

I hope this helps you as it has helped me in my life.  What do you do to reset your brain when you’re worried, scared or sad?  Connect with me and let’s share so that we can all benefit!

Happy Thursday to YOU!

Shine On!


Daily Prompt: First Light

Remember when you wrote down the first thought you had this morning? Great. Now write a post about it.

18 thoughts on “Today is…

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt – First Light | Joe's Musings

  2. Pingback: Daily Prompt: First Light | nicksen

  3. Pingback: Taking A Dream To A Creative Work | The Jittery Goat

  4. Pingback: Daily Prompt; First Light/ The Daily Post | terry1954

  5. Well don’t you wake up more graciously and thoughtful than some of us!! My first thought: I wonder if my daughter slept in and is there coffee? Or: Why is this cat walking on me so early?

    However, this was very inspiring and I am going to resolve to try starting my day with a couple of your affirmations. It is a way of taking positive control of the rest of your day. Lovely post!

  6. Pingback: Duly noted | The Daily Dilly Dally

  7. Pingback: SO….I LOVE YOU | hastywords

  8. Pingback: Happy Pancake Poem! | litadoolan

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