Nikki On: History Channel’s “Top Shot”

October 11, 2011 sexyknees

I am definitely not a top shot!

I sleep with the television on at night so that I am not constantly awoken by little sounds (I am extremely security-conscious).  I used to lull myself into dreamland with the comedic ramblings of Venture Brothers, Home Movies, Family Guy, and other Cartoon Network favorites until they changed the line up and started adding in British comedies with incredibly irritating soundtracks and really dark cartoons such as Super Jail and the Tim and Eric Awesome Show, which had the absolute opposite effect.  I started to wake up in a cold sweat thinking either cats were having sex in my kitchen or I took up residence at an insane asylum.

After a bit of trial and error, I settled on the History channel for my night-time lullaby…until they began running Top Shot at night.  Here begins my complaint.  This HC prime-time show focuses on shooting professionals ranging from competition snipers to special forces elite and pits them against each other in a true test of their skills using weapons ranging from rocks (no joke) to cannons.  Great concept, right?  The only problem is that the competitors are so overflowing with testosterone that they act more like 4th graders having a playground pissing contest rather than the professionals they are.  Their child-like criticisms are poorly delivered and the “clever” comments made by the contestants seem to have been written by television’s least talented hacks (e.g.:  “this thing kicks like a three-legged Ninja”).  The host’s wavering accent (a la Kevin Costner in Robin Hood) doesn’t help the show’s image, either.

My biggest problem with Top Shot is with the contestants whom represent our military and police.  Their adolescent behavior towards each other is so reprehensible that it gives those whom are responsible for the protection of our country a very, very bad image.  Personally, I wouldn’t want issue a weapon to a number of the people on this show.  Their inability to control their attitude/temper makes them very poor candidates for law enforcement and is contrary to the strict discipline required for placement in our special forces (I would hope).  I would not want them representing my unit if I were their CO.  I understand that this is a TV show and the contestant’s performances are guided, but please don’t make our elite look so bad – it is unnecessarily damaging.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my rant!  It isn’t sexy, but at least you know how I feel about Top Shot (grumble, grumble).  I’ll write something more seductive for my next blog!

Entry Filed under: Uncategorized

10 Comments Add your own

  • 1. M  |  October 12, 2011 at 5:55 pm


    I bet you are a top shot with your own personal’gun”.

    • 2. sexyknees  |  November 29, 2011 at 2:43 pm

      Ha! I love your pun, M!!! And yes, I am!

  • 3. Brian  |  October 18, 2011 at 5:03 pm

    Hi Nikki,

    I am curious if you still host and conduct Dom play. I would like to know more about this and curious about playing. This is a very serious request and any info you could give me I would appreciate it.

    • 4. sexyknees  |  November 29, 2011 at 2:42 pm

      Hi Brian! Thank you so much for writing!!! I am pretty much retired. That being said, I would be happy to answer any question you have about BDSM play. Feel free to ask me anything you wish!

  • 5. Corvettedude  |  October 30, 2011 at 5:26 am

    I believe you’re alot better than you let on!!!

    • 6. sexyknees  |  November 29, 2011 at 2:12 pm

      Possibly! Perhaps I should hold a competition of my own at a local range sometime. 50 to 100 yard targets with a weapon of choice? Of course, I will wear my skimpiest stripper outfit just to heat things up a bit! Thoughts?

  • 7. Dale  |  November 7, 2011 at 7:08 pm


    I am in total agreement with you on the childish behavior of some of the “Best” this country has to offer. As a member of the military I am quite disappointed at how members of our service act towards each other. I know there has always been rivalry between the services, but some of these guys take it to a new level (but it is a reality TV show, so what can we expect). Which is why I was quite happy to see the winner of this season to be a soft spoken, mild mannered counselor of a Christian children’s camp with no military service, who on top of it all taught himself how to shoot.

    It’s been a long time … but you still look amazing


    • 8. sexyknees  |  November 29, 2011 at 1:13 pm

      Thank you so much for writing me and for the compliment, Dale! I agree with your thoughts about the handful of “bad egg” servicemen whom appear on “Top Shot.” Their behavior towards each other is so disrespectful that I question whether or not the military competitors in question are even from those branches of service. That being said, I figure that they were simply coached on how to behave for the show as conflict bears better ratings for reality shows. I guess us gun-loving people aren’t enough of a demographic to support the show!

  • 9. Brittney  |  November 14, 2011 at 4:02 am

    If you are talking about this season, yes, it is exceptionally bad. The “little kid” that was supposed to be an ex-SEAL was a total a$$. I do not see how he could ever be a seal with his total disregard for the concept “team”. The other two seasons were much better as far as the sportsmanship was concerned.

    • 10. sexyknees  |  November 29, 2011 at 12:45 pm

      Thank you for writing, Brittney! I am very glad to hear that the other two seasons were less “conflicty,” to coin a word. The producers of “Top Shot” should understand that the subject of their show alone is draw enough for gun enthusiasts such as myself. That being said, I am not a network executive and maybe my demographic isn’t sufficient viewing audience enough to support the show. I just like the guns! As far as the SEAL competitor – yes, I am totally on-board with you there. I have met quite a few SEALs and they were very, very respectful, intelligent, and team-oriented. Based upon my observations, I conclude that the one whom appeared on “Top Shot” must have been coached. He simply didn’t fit. Then again, do I really know what I am talking about? Thanks again for writing, Brittney. I hope to hear from you again on future topics!

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