What do you do with all that bread?

(updated 4/18/22)

One of our pre-Pesach tasks is to clean the freezers. We bring up what needs to be eaten before Passover and take down the rest. We often discover that we somehow have an overabundance of bread! So what do you make over the few weeks before Pesach to eat it all up? Here are some suggestions I came up with that use bread crumbs or bread:


Overnight Cinnamon Raisin French Toast

Apple French Toast Bake

Stuffed French Toast


Caesar Salad with Croutons – see my post “Stretching your dinner dime… dollar”

Bread Crumb Chicken

Grilled Cheese

French Toast

Shabbos sides:

Challah Kugel

Herbed Bread Stuffing – substitute margarine for the butter (from Cooking Light)


Bread Pudding with Salted Caramel Sauce (from Cooking Light)

Mocha Fudge Bread Pudding (from Cooking Light)

Apple and Honey Bread Pudding

These are not recipes we have tried, so leave feedback in the Comments section about your results or other bread recipes you have!

7 thoughts on “What do you do with all that bread?

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    1. I don’t know which french toast casserole to try first! They all look so good. We have never made shnitzel. Is it hard to do? Thanks for your comments and for reading!

      1. My version of shnitzel is constantly changing, but is basically a wet ingredient (usually egg, but sometimes mustard or italian dressing) and a dry crust, basically bread crumbs, a little flour, seasonings (sometimes ginger, sometimes garlic, sometimes just salt), maybe some sesame seeds…you get the idea. Cut the chicken into the size you are looking for, dip in wet, dredge in dry. You can do it again for a crispier, thicker coating.

        It’s not hard to do, but since I don’t buy full price chicken unless I really have nothing else, I wait until I can find a good price, and that’s what limits us.

  1. Good post concept. We do have a surprising amount of bread. I would imagine that schnitzel is not difficult, you need boneless skinless chicken breast…

    1. I will have to print this one, too! Thanks for reading. I will check out your site as well. I am always looking for new recipes and tips.

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