How I Write

This week I was invited to participate in the How I Write blog hop. I hesitated briefly because what I have to work on far outweighs what I’d like to be working on, so I wasn’t sure which type of writing to discuss, but when a blogger asks you to hold her hand and come hop, you don’t say no. It’s like saying no to a slice of homemade cake. That would just be rude.

I was invited by Lisa Allen, who is also affectionately known as my Ginger Bestie. We met last year at the inaugural Listen To Your Mother show in Kansas City. We were thrown into a unique situation where moments after saying hello, we immediately bared our souls with other cast members during the first read-through of the show. I was struck by her eloquence and poise as she read her emotional piece. I have since come to admire her for being a single mother and phenom writer. This year she’s part of a production team bringing Listen To Your Mother back to KC for the second year. I can’t wait to see it – this time from the audience.

book signing pic 1
First Book Signing! Weee! *clap clap*

How I Write

What Am I Working On? Currently I’m a freelance writer contributing weekly to Diets In Review and Health Bubble. I also write dating profiles for a prominent matchmaking site (never a dull moment there.) And I’m always tackling miscellaneous one-and-done projects for editing, web content and marketing material.

I also have a super secret project on the horizon that I’m beyond excited about, but until I’ve signed the contract, I can’t reveal. When there’s a lawyer involved, you know it’s a big deal.

Fiction: I’d like to say I’m working on the sequel to Next Left (my first novelette), or writing a new story entirely but the truth is, they’re all still in my brain-thing just waiting for the right time to come out. I currently have two separate stories in mind, one about a woman searching for the mother she never knew, and another about a woman who finds a mysterious letter in an old box of high school mementos that threatens to unravel the tidy life she thinks she’s built for herself. Currently, both stories are fighting for center stage.

Recently I created a book blog, Booky Goodness. It’s a brand new teeny little blog, but one day it hopes to grow into a sassy hub for literary humor and fun.

How Does My Writing Differ from Others of Its Genre? I have to admit, this one is sort’ve a conundrum but I’ll give it a shot. I’m a bit of a rambler. If I’m not reigned in, either by an editor or myself, I will give the reader more information than they bargained for, followed by witty commentary, and then a few more fun facts. This is perfect for a novel, but not so great when you’ve got a strict 450 word count for an article and you’ve already written 850. Dang it! Time to pare it down – again. Story of my life.

Why Do I Write What I Do? I’ve always been drawn to comedy. Always. Much like a few of my favorite funny authors including Heather McElhatton, Jennifer Crusie, Jennifer Weiner, and Jonathan Tropper, I like to write characters with sharp tongues who engage in witty banter and get themselves caught up in unusual situations. I’m also a big fan of the snarky sidekick.

How Does My Writing Process Work? Ha. Process? That’s a good one. With me, there is no process. I don’t have a ritual, a favorite chair or any other sort of “thing” that helps get me going. All I need is inspiration and QUIET. I wrote the better part of Next Left on my back deck, and would frequently say to my children, “I am not here. You may think you see me, but you do not. I am an apparition. An apparition who is on a deadline so, PLEASE GO ASK YOUR FATHER” Sometimes if I need a change of scenery, I’ll head to Panera because the smell is intoxicating, the atmosphere is warm and also, macaroni.

Next Week – More Hopping. . . 

The hop continues next week with two fantastic mama bloggers who also happen to be good friends, Andrea Anglin and Cat Poland.

Andrea Anglin has been part of my circle of trust since 2009. We met via Twitter, but our friendship blossomed over countless bowls of melted cheese, glasses of wine and hilarious conversations at book club. She is real, raw, one of the kindest women I’ve ever known, and her laugh makes my heart happy. I admire her pluck, and appreciate her down-to-earth, humorous writing style.

I had the good fortune of discovering Cat Poland on Twitter, as well. Twitter = treasure trove of friendships. Over the years I’ve watched this loving wife and mama share joy and hardship (and boy has her little family had enough of that lately) with honesty and poignance. When a new blog post shows up in my inbox, I read it, and I’m transported to the location and mindset she’s in at that moment. She has an amazing gift for storytelling.

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