Posted by: Author | April 20, 2015

Tuesday Tales- April 21, 2104- Picture Prompt

This week’s word is not a word at all but a picture prompt. Since I’m writing about a snow storm, I had to finagle this a bit to make it work. The picture prompts are limited to 300 words. I’ve picked up the story still in the bar with the snow coming down.  Be sure to check out the other Tales here!  Badge for TT - very small

“You want all the men for yourself, don’t you?” Nancy snarled at Lanett.

“No. I have no idea what you mean. Why don’t you take the chance to go home now while people are still able to travel?”

“You can’t tell me what to do.”

“I can tell you that you’re not welcome here.” Ian joined the conversation.

“There’s a whole table of men over there that disagree with you.” Nancy smirked.

“Well, there you go then. Obviously Lanett doesn’t want all the men to herself. She very kindly left an entire table of them for you.”

“Like she has the power to do that.”

“You’ve obviously given her that power if you think all the men want her over you.” Ian took hold of Lanett’s elbow. “Come on. We have orders to fill.”

Lanett shook her head over Nancy’s instability again. She was concerned about what might happen if they did get snowbound together. The woman was a loose cannon and Lanett didn’t relish being around her when there was nowhere safe to go. Her mind involuntarily summoned up that dark, tree-lined road she and Ian had driven down to the restaurant on Long Island. Lanett was suddenly glad at least they were in a lighted pub now. Lanett guessed she’d rather be able to see the attack coming if Nancy tried something and not be blindsided like she would be in the woods.

She shook her head, put the annoying woman out of her mind and returned to the bar.

The rest of the night went by quickly but around midnight, it became clear that the snow would definitely stop anyone else from leaving.



  1. Great way to incorporate the picture prompt into your story!
    Glad you could make it TT after all this week.

    • Thanks Trisha. And I’m glad I made it, too.


  2. Well done using the pic!!! And boy oh boy that Nancy …..

    • Thanks Iris. It’s about time Nancy got it.


  3. Way to work in the picture prompt! And as Iris said “Boy oh boy, that Nancy . . .”

    • Thanks Vicky. I tried and I think it’s almost time to see what the heck is Nancy’s problem! J

  4. Unique way of using the picture prompt. Like the way you build tension with Nancy on the edge. Chewing my nails until the night is over. Can’t wait for the next installment to see what happens between the two women. I’m betting Ian will protect Lanett.

    • He better, Jean. Lol. I haven’t gotten there yet. Nancy is still wreaking havoc in the bar.


  5. Nice way to incorporate the picture. 🙂

    • Thanks Joselyn.

  6. Great use of the prompt. 🙂

    • thanks Morgan

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