Winter writing retreat, day 7

Today has been a light day, folks, but that’s okay. Seventh days are traditionally restful days anyway, and this has certainly been restful! (I slept late, AND I got a massage!) Besides, it’s the solstice, so I’m celebrating the holiday by chilling out.

Happy Yule, everyone!

That doesn’t mean I haven’t done any work, of course. Gotta keep those ideas coming! And today (or rather, last night) something interesting happened: I’ve been thinking about and researching for and working on my novel for so many days running now that I actually dreamed a scene in the novel. I’m talking my own characters in dream-flesh, walking around and speaking dialogue. It’s a small scene — a couple of the main characters in the middle of setting fire to a structure they’ve just looted, either to hide their tracks or just out a sheer mischief, and as they move furniture and light curtains on fire, they play a kind of rhyming-riddle game. There’s also a younger, newer member of the gang (I don’t think he’s a main character, but he might become one) who wants to play the game too but isn’t smart enough to keep up with the riddles — the best he can come up with are dirty limericks.

No idea if that’s going to prove interesting enough to stay in the book, but it’s in there for now.

I also moved some events around in the outline because last night, just before bed, I discovered some discrepancies in both my novel’s timeline and in the historical timeline.

But that’s been about it. Later this evening, I’m going to see about finishing the chapter I’m currently working on, but otherwise, I’ve gone easy on myself today.

In other news:

Today my Hagridden book ranking on Amazon is rising, and I’m nearly tied with my best-ever ranking from the first week of the novel’s release! I’m hoping that ranking means lots of people are buying the book, because, as you might remember, all during December I’m donating money to the National Military Families Association for every copy of Hagridden that sells. That’s hardback, paperback, or ebook — your choice. Already have a copy? Get one for a friend — you’ll be helping military families!

On a possibly related note, the Facebook page for Hagridden also reached a milestone today: we hit 300 likes! And my Facebook author page is at 370 likes, which is also awesome. So thanks again, all you fabulous people, for being so amazing and sharing the love.

I’ll be carrying on with retreat right up til Christmas Eve, when I’m taking a break for the holiday, but I’ll almost certainly be working on the novel after Christmas as well, so stay tuned for more updates.

Published by Samuel Snoek-Brown

I write fiction and teach college writing and literature. I'm the author of the story collection There Is No Other Way to Worship Them, the novel Hagridden, and the flash fiction chapbooks Box Cutters and Where There Is Ruin.

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