Kuroshitsuji II – review

September 20, 2010 at 10:25 pm Leave a comment

“From now on, you shall give me only one response. You know it don’t you.”

Over-acting at its finest

Well THAT was an interesting end to the rather unorthodox second season of Kuroshitsuji. While Kuroshitsuji’s earlier eps reeked of poor filler, what was unravelled later definitely made up for the more mundane parts.


It’s no surprise who stole the show. Alois and his butler Faustus were very entertaining, and their relationship was interesting to watch, as long as you didn’t mind the heavy yaoi undertones. Alois was like a huge trololol whose outrageous antics and inexplicably cruel treatment of his maid Hannah surprised many viewers no doubt.

The 3 main demons

Of course not all the characters this season were as intriguing to watch. While the demon triplets were a little funny at times, they pretty much failed to score any sort of impact on the series. As usual the characters of Greil and the Viscount of Druitt were overdone, however I found the Viscount surprisingly bearable and actually funny this season. One thing I can’t really understand is why they introduced Aberlain’s twin, Fred, yet left his characterisation hanging there, with no development.

The demon triplets... whatever their names are again 😛

In terms of the story, I felt that it was directed rather well, bar that first third of fillers. The plot twists were fantastic and my personal favourite was when I discovered that the triplets and Hannah were ALL actually demons. The pretty unexpected ending was pretty much any Yaoi lover’s dream come true, and while I do kinda feel sorry for Sebastien, you can’t forget his always been and always will be a demon.

Falcon KICK!

As expected of Kuroshitsuji, the humour was over-the-top, featuring heavy doses of the impossible and insane. And guess what, it paid off! The fight scenes were crazy as hell, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Forget earthy physics and logic, coz we’re dealing with some pretty unearthly beings here!

Sensical FAIL

Sound was not bad, but to be honest, it was far from memorable. They did make effective use of an insert song in the last ep, which is always good. Nana Mizuki did a fantastic job of the flamboyant Alois, and both Sakurai Takahiro and Ono Daisuke did excellent work with the calm, composed and sinister butlers.

Personally I preferred Hannah's demonette form over her maid costume.

Overall, Kuroshitsuji II was a strong follow-up to an already solid first season. It should be noted that watching the first season is definitely a prerequisite, as without that background knowledge, the twists and various character cameos would definitely not be as impacting. Will there be a third season? I highly doubt, but at least this second season didn’t disappoint overall.

Animation: 8.25/10

Sound: 7.75/10

Story: 8.75/10

Characters: 8/10

Enjoyment: 8.25/10

Overall : 8.2/10

Ciel and his bad case of eczema.

Entry filed under: Anime.

Demotivator of the week #35 K-On!! – review

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