June Squares | Roofs

It’s June and another 30 day challenge from Becky.  ‘The Life of B’ This month she is looking for a roof or roofs or even rooves. Follow the link for the rules.

Overlooking the streets of Prague, Czech Rebublic. Becky on the other hand is in Lisbon, though not in the same place as I was a few days ago.

June Square | 16th June

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I have lived in the UK for most of my life, but when young I definitely had wanderlust and even ended up living in South Africa for several years which was a wonderful experience. I now look forward to a long and leisurely retirement doing what I like most - gardening, photography, walking and travelling.

36 thoughts on “June Squares | Roofs”

    1. I often have that thought myself, especially when I see the awful grey pebble-dash of some villages in Cornwall. Why not use coloured paints like they do in Wales and Ireland? Makes it much more cheerful.

      1. I agree, especially with our frequent grey skies. Maybe we should nip out with a pot of paint and paintbrush one night!

      2. You know what is funny? When we (people from Prague) come to Cornwall, itis all about: Wow, look at this beautiful pebble-dash building, I love it, so seeside-ish :-). And we really mean it!

        But to be honest, I also love to colors of my hometown (Prague), remember it being all grey but now its nice. However please keep your pebbled buildings, which I love as well, I do not want the world to be the same AND, if you would have colorful buildings, who will come to Prague then? 😉

  1. The colours and shapes in this photo make a very appealing picture. 🙂 I agree about the dreadful grey Scottish buildings. It’s always puzzled me why they cover red bricks with grey roughcast and pebbledash. I’m sure it’s to do with protection against the weather, but they could go for brighter colours that would look better against the grey skies and grey, rain dampened, roads and pavements. 😉

  2. Prague is always so distinctive, isn’t it? Love this shot, and yes, I’m game to splosh a bit of paint about. 🙂 🙂

        1. The coach always has half hour rest stop for the driver in Leeds. Not time to do more than coffee (and hand over a phone charger that James left at ours last weekend 🙂 ) Starting to feel dizzy! Mick picked me up in Middlesbrough – ‘you’ve slept in a bed or 2 this past couple of weeks’. He’s not wrong!

        2. 9am tomorrow. 🙂 🙂 Fortunately doesn’t need a lot of organising and it will be a fairly laidback week. Just finishing a walk for tomorrow.

        3. Oh. my goodness. I thought you were home for a while before heading off again. You certainly are not called restless for nothing!

        4. It’s so depressing isn’t it. We struggled with our flat for a year, then took it off the market for another year, before putting it back on again with a much more dynamic agent. You need a rottweiler to sell anything! We got idiots complaining about having to pay a service charge – why were they looking at a leasehold flat then? With the first agent we hardly got any viewings at all 😦

        5. I’m not thinking about it much. In some ways it’s a relief not to be showing people round. At some point though. ….x

  3. There’s no doubt that there are grand and colourful places in Europe and Prague is one of them, though I haven’t seen it for myself. We do have colour here in the UK, but I think we often go around with our eyes closed when we’re at home.

    1. Occasionally I see coloured houses in England, Colchester has a few old pastel painted houses, and there are a few ochre timbered buildings in Shropshire / Herefordshire. I like the white-washed cottages, but it’s those dull grey or brown ones which I really detest.

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