Random Thoughts of Food and Politics

I sit here in a candy-corn coma.  Well, not really.  But honestly, that stuff is lethal and a little goes a long way to push the sugar high and make your teeth hurt.  And yes, I had more than my fair share from the communal stash at the office.

My food has been out of whack all week because of lunches out every day.  I’m used to having a bigger meal at lunch and something lighter in the evening — but not every day.  I’m just not cut out for it and am very grateful that tomorrow will be normal.  Monday I had Thai with a friend from the main library.  Tuesday was pizza with my work colleagues.  Yesterday was Thai again for an interview lunch.  Today was seafood with an Italian flair with another candidate – and worse, we didn’t eat until 2pm.  My system doesn’t deal with that well and because of a last minute schedule change, I wasn’t prepared to wait that long.  Hence delving into candy corn.

I’m ready for normal again.  Tomorrow I spend the morning at the dentist, first having a cleaning and then having my final appointment for a replacement crown.  Not very exciting and very expensive.  No lunch out, no meetings, just the dentist and then productive afternoon working on problems.  What a relief!  This weekend I have no plans other than finally doing some serious cleaning, much as I’d rather hire The Maids to come and do a number on the place.  Have I mentioned that I hate cleaning?  No?

What I really want to do is go out and vote early, but my state doesn’t have a provision for that.  I want these last 12 days to not happen, to go directly to Election Day and getting this thing over with so we can get on with the business of dealing with harsh economic realities and moving forward.  Things will get worse before they get better but if I have to hear about Joe the Plumber one more time … wait, I’ve already heard it five times while I’ve been typing this.  Not Good.  It doesn’t help that on the way to work this morning, I saw a sign at a local church that read:  “Jesus loves you and Joe the Plumber.”  Gag me with a spoon!

2 thoughts on “Random Thoughts of Food and Politics

  1. I am SO with you about the election…the excitement/stress is driving me nuts. I have had to turn off a lot of my usual news-junkie tv watching this week and try to get a grip because I was having nightmares. 😦

    On the food thing — having been on the rollercoaster myself the past couple of months, it occurs to me that that MIGHT be “normal”. Once we get at a happy weight, I think that there will be times when we have weeks like you did this week. The key is to get back on the wagon…this is hard, but I am thinking that’s how “normal” size people live…but who knows? I’m far from “normal” in any way! 😉

  2. Lori W.

    Not only am I tired of the commercials, but Jamie and I have been the recipients of many, many phone calls, some from anonymous and it’s tiring.

    I think I agree with Helen; this might be normal. Maybe that’s how normal people live (at least the ones who will tell us and not use the expression, “but I stop when I’m full” because that’s not us either).

    So far, no one has brought in any more candy; we had a flurry of candy corn earlier in the month but that’s been it. I do admit to coveting the Godiva kitty cat that’s on sale at Foods of All Nations but given that it’s $25, I can resist. 🙂

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