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Day 20 I love that he cares

I have a confession. There is no way I would do the same for him.

During winter, homme makes a point of jumping into bed before me whenever possible, and warming my side of the bed. I hate cold sheets and I refuse to buy an electric blanket as I can’t bear the idea of wasting electricity. When I climb into bed he rolls over to his cold side and leaves me the wonderfully warm patch of love.

And it is not as if he doesn’t feel the cold. He groans quietly when he hits the cold sheets on his side but I make it up to him and give him a big, warm cuddle. Only sometimes do I put my cold feet against his skin to warm them up!

One Response

  1. Love Chunks actually rolls to my side and offers his warm body for me to cling to, even though my fingers are still freezing cold from cleaning my teeth etc.

    Sharing body warmth in winter = true love!

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