Blood Kata Path – My First Blood Kata Sacrifice

10 Apr

The question has been presented –

How the hell did I come up with the concept of Blood Kata? 

When was my first blood sacrifice?

For those not in the know, my Blood Kata Ritual combines Esoteric Kata, either by way of Kata-Rx or Katannabis Meditation with prayer (as YOU define it) and sacrifice (the Kata energy being the sacrifice). You may access posts in this category with this link, (posts are in latest first, so please scroll down to the beginning):

In response to the question, here’s the short, sweet, and nasty behind it – and yeah it starts off like a cheap pulp fiction novel. It was a dark, stormy night – oops, correction – it was a dark, tempestuous time in my life. Physically, mentally, emotionally the Darkness was almost, but not quite, omnipresent. Now, I have no idea why, but during a rather deep, introspective Katannabis mediation session (Katannabis = Kata combined with cannabis as a meditative entheogen), I questioned. I vented. I was mired in the dark quagmire. And – perhaps – as in the Words of Dion Fortune, I emitted the “Cry of the Soul” (see Endnote # 1). 

I received an answer. More accurately, an answer was intuited to me. It came from somewhere. It led me to a translation of an ancient text – a 2000+ years old papyrus found near Akhmim in upper Egypt! I began to research the papyrus, its translations and commentaries. I found a text which contained photos of the actual papyrus along side the translations. 

Don’t believe me? Here – see for your self:

Now, ask yourself:

  • •What is the Aramaic word written as “Kata” doing in a 2000+ year old manuscript?
  • •How can this discovery benefit you in a positive and profound way?
  • •Are you even astute enough to appreciate any of this?

As to the answers, that is not for me to say. I am only “compelled” or urged to share what is shared herein. Good luck.

If you are on the path of knowledge and have embarked on a personal, introspective Esoteric Kata journey, go forth boldly, but cautiously with a pure heart, clean spirit and open mind.  


1. “In times of spiritual crisis, when the very self is being swept away, then it is that the Cry Of The Soul is heard, and Something manifests out of the mists of the Unseen, manifests in a form that is comprehensible to the one who calls. Whether intense stress induces a temporary expansion of consciousness, a fugitive psychism, or whether a Being of its own volition passes through the veil and manifests, I do not know; there are never any details available of these incidents. They take place only in times of dire stress and go as swiftly as they came, leaving no trace except upon the soul.” (My emphasis) – Excerpt From: Fortune, Dion. “Psychic Self-Defense.” iBooks. 

I highly recommend this book!!


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2 Responses to “Blood Kata Path – My First Blood Kata Sacrifice”


  1. Sanchin Kata – Intonation, Chants & A Saikou: More Disclosure | Esoteric Kata - May 23, 2024

    […] of the entheogen “Katannabis”). For more on my first Blood Kata session, please use this link: […]

  2. Suparunpei Kata – Esoteric Mandala Concepts | Esoteric Kata - April 23, 2024

    […] For an additional hint at the origin of my esoteric Blood Kata meditation, please use this convent link: […]

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