Chicken Newspaper Summer 2104 Issue

We’ve invented a new job title. It echoes how we feel about the chicken newspaper project and tells all that this is more than just a project.

That title is Proud Publisher

Being the Proud Publisher of chicken! newspaper for children means that we have to deliver the best publication that we are able to assemble. Our pride is at stake!

The digital version of the chicken newspaper summer issue  is now live.

The printed issue is on its way and will be in schools in a few days.

There’s pride and excitement in our studio and no space for much else this weekend, so let me know of you like what you see.

By Ken

I am a children's book illustrator and author. I trained as a graphic designer, and have worked in publishing for over thirty years. Nowadays I work at Harper Collins running an inclusive global imprint called Kumusha Books. I still write and illustrate children's books though and enjoy every minute immersed in publishing!

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