Hauntingly Realistic

There is much that is familiar in Washington, DC.

Washington DCThere’s the capitol building with its impressive dome

Washington DCand the Washington Monument standing tall against an evening sky.

Jefferson Memorial
Jefferson Memorial
Washington DC
Lincoln Memorial
Washington DC
MLK Memorial

There are memorials to Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and Martin Luther King as well as reminders of World Wars I and II and the Vietnam War.

Washington DCAll are inspiring, but for me nothing stands out like the Korean War Memorial with its bigger than life figures that are hauntingly realistic.  Garbed in battle attire covered by ponchos to protect from monsoon rains, the ghostly figures represent  a nighttime patrol seemingly ready for combat.

Washington DCEach face is unique.  

Washington DCWary.  Tense.

Washington DCSoldiers quietly communicate, caution one another.

Washington DCThe Korean War may not be one that we know the most about, but this dramatic memorial honors the men and women who defended a country they never knew and a people they never met.

Next time you are in Washington, DC, don’t miss going to this stunning installation.  I can’t imagine your not being moved.

i so appreciate your visit and the comments you leave behind

14 responses to “Hauntingly Realistic”

  1. I never visited the Korean War Memorial. I lived in the D.C. area for awhile, but never got to it. There’s just SO MUCH to see there, and that didn’t make the cut. That’s unfortunate because it looks to be one of the better memorials. My uncle fought in the Korean War, and that would make it all seem extra poignant, I’m sure.

    This really touches me. I think with everything going on over in Iran right now, it just makes scenes like this that much deeper.

  2. I haven’t seen the Korean War Memorial. Great photos, very moving…

  3. The sculptures do what they’re supposed to do; make you feel a part of the action. It is scary.

  4. Those pictures are pretty amazing!

  5. A memorial that I have not had a chance to see so I thank you for your photos.

  6. We were in DC a couple of years ago. We didn’t see the Korean War Memorial but we did see the Vietnam and FDR memorials. Very much worth seeing. We will see this one next time we get to DC.

  7. The Korean War Memorial was definitely one that moved me the most along with visiting the Arlington National Cemetery…

  8. I have not seen the Korean Memorial. Thank you for posting this. Poignant post.

  9. We were in DC only for 1/2 day a while ago and did not get to see many things…I have not seen the Korean War Memorial…you said it so right…haunting…My dad served in both WWII and the Korean War…I am definitely making a point to visit that memorial the next time we are there…great post!

  10. I so agree with you. I was so captivated by the Korean War Memorial and found myself being quiet and creeping along with the soldiers.

  11. What a remarkable memorial. Hope I have the opportunity to visit some time in the future…thanks for sharing.

  12. We were just there a few weeks ago, Lulu. This is incredible, the faces. I’m sure my husband would like this.


  13. visited there once and loved it. Great pictures and write up!!

  14. Thank you for this post. My dad was a career soldier who served in Korea and received wounds that ended his career. He was always proud of his service and never regretted what it cost him to defend that country. He would be proud of this memorial, thank you for sharing.

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