Three by Five Presents Laurie Kolp Part III

Part III with Laurie Kolp

VAH: Is writing vocation, occupation, or profession?

LK: Hmm… I seem to think it’s a little of all three. It takes dedication, time and determination to get through all the hills and valleys.

VAH: Like the valley of writers block? When the page is blank what gets you writing?

LK: I’ll write a found poem, or use word lists to get me started. I once painted a picture when I was in a drought and it did wonders with my creativity. Sometimes I must fool my muse.

 VAH: The imagery of drought for when the writing isn’t flowing is rich. How do you approach a working on a new piece of writing – what’s your process?

LK: I’ll write the rough draft and begin working on a second the same day. The next few days I work on it until I think it might be ready (because no poem of mine ever seems finished). Then I don’t look at it for a week, maybe two or three. That’s when the real editing begins.

 VAH: I’ve noticed that the more experienced writers that take part in Three by Five all comment on the importance of revision, often similar to as you have. The real work starts after the initial drafts.

What does your typical writing day include?

 LK: My schedule varies. I write best in the morning, so I’ll sit at my computer for several hours. Then I take a break… go to the gym, run errands, etc. After lunch I’m back at it until it’s time to go get the kids from school. I’ll start back up in the evening. Of course, within those times, I’ll check Facebook, Twitter, etc. I’ll read poems and research venues for publication.

 VAH: You’ve been at this a while. So what words of wisdom do you have for the emerging writer?

LK: Find a critique group for support. Don’t get discouraged by rejections because we all get them. Keep on keeping on and your hard work will eventually pay off.


There you have it! More with Poet Laurie Kolp at the end of the month when we have some bonus questions.

Enjoy a sampling of her work:

Poems published at Verse Virtual.

What Sunday School Taught Him at Deep Water Literary Journal

Mother, In the Raw at Amarillo Bay

Whirls of Brokenness at Black Heart Magazine

Time Warp at City Lit Rag .

Forbidden Fruit at the Blue Fifth Review.

Social media –

Upon the Blue Couch is a compelling collection of diverse poems certain to intrigue the reader with its courageous look into one woman’s turbulent journey through adulthood. With a comfortable blue couch as the common thread throughout the years, we are shown all the highs and lows of life while some things remain a constant source of peace. This blue couch, if only it could talk, may just reveal the secrets to happiness based on the experiences it has unwittingly been a part of.FINAL BlueCouch_FlatForeBooks[1]


Three by Five interviews publish on days that end in 3!


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