Beyond the Cusp

August 19, 2016

The Unforgivable Sin of Israel


If one were to ask the average college student from any of the west’s liberal bastions of tolerance through indoctrination where political correctness trumps truth and social justice is an empty phrase which can be filled with whatever definitions fit the blowing winds of that political correctness which censors everything to name the first thing that comes to mind when hearing the name Israel the answers you would get would have little or no relevance to Israeli reality. You would hear hateful yet there is no kinder or more generous and giving place in the world. You would hear racist yet Israel took in the Jews of Ethiopia when they faced a threat of genocide, took in Vietnamese boat people when much of the world was prepared to let them drown or starve. Israel flies half way around the world to set up fully functioning field hospitals at the location of disasters before other nations can even get a clinic working. Israel augments these field hospitals with a series of clinics and often sends teams out often to places which have never seen aid or government assistance in memory in places such as Haiti and the Philippines or Japan and often leave these clinics and the equipment placed for their operation in nations in need of such facilities again in Haiti and in Japan close to the damaged nuclear plants after the earthquake and tsunami. Israel sponsors one of the most altruistic and wonderful organizations the world possesses called Save A Child’s Heart (SACH) organization which in and of itself would qualify tiny little Israel as one of the most giving and great nations of the world (after the article visit the site of this organization if you are unaware of their works and prepare to be amazed as they go even further than their site can explain). You would hear Apartheid in a nation where every ethnicity, religion, race and nation of origin are treated with complete equality with the one condition, that they came to Israel legally as no nation can be required to accept as citizens people who crossed their border illegally and under false pretenses; though many have attempted to make Israel the first nation required to do so under threat of worldwide sanctions. You might hear warlike as it is true that Israel has had violence thrust upon her requiring violent response but Israel is also a nation, though threatened from all sides, willing to surrender land many times her size for peace as she did with Egypt and offered to do with Jordan yet Israel is now being demanded to surrender her historic heartlands of Judea and Samaria to a terror organization turned international darlings, the PLO which took on a name change while leaving the heart of the PLO terrorist group fully intact and doubling as the governance of their whitewashed Palestinian Authority which is about to once again postpone, which means cancel, elections which were scheduled originally for 2009 but the political winds do not favor the ruling elite and not winning is not an option as in the wonderful and world darlings area under the Palestinian Authority, losing the election will more than likely mean losing your life to the new rulers, Hamas, a rival terror group with one major difference, the PLO, or Palestinian Authority, claims to be secular though its people are Islamist and Hamas is Islamist and thus already holds the hearts and minds of the people.


We could continue listing likely responses but the reality is that the image being sold by left leaning to left toppling over to the extreme end of the political spectrum will all find the worst and nastiest of lies and accusations to throw at Israel and then use their echo chamber to make them stick. What, you might ask, has Israel ever done to deserve such hatreds and lies to be spread about her. Well, it is simple really. Israel is the only Western, democratic and developed nation where her Judeo-Christian (truthfully it is Judeo mainly) core population is reproducing at well above replacement numbers and not shrinking as it is noticeable in Europe and soon to be evident in the United States and likely Canada and Australia as well. Israel holds to her Jewish faith as the jewel it is and takes it guidance and truths seriously and to heart despite those leftists and extreme secular socialists who desire to make Israel just like Europe, Russia or the city or suburb of the dying civilization they left behind. The religious community in Israel is gaining in its percentage of the population and is winning over numerous of the children from these other sectors of the society which is having their shortcomings exposed. Israel is the realization of the Hebrew’s dream to reestablish home and forever remain and enjoy this blessed land that Hashem gave unto us. This is made obvious simply by reviewing the past three and a half millennia of these lands. When the Hebrews, what you would today call Jews though there is a difference, settled here after conquering the lands from the tribes of hedonistic, child sacrificing idolaters whom Hashem commanded we expunge from His lands so we could tend this land as Hashem’s gift to us for as long as we kept the law, Torah, and did not stray from the true path with either mind or heart; we failed and were conquered by the Babylonians where the Song of Babylon was written (Psalms 137) speaking of the heart of the Children of Israel, Yerushalayim, and the soul of the Children of Israel, their Heaven ordained lands between the River and the Sea.





There is a reason the phrase, “From the River to the Sea,” has been adopted by those supporting the Palestinian Arabs replacement of the nation of Israel. This is because they have studied the history of the Jewish people and have crafted a false narrative where they claim every point from the history from the Hebrews entry into the land they claim they were the original Canaanites which would make them extinct, and they claim every point in Jewish history since including their claims that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the Temple Mount and every structure in the lands are historically theirs and the Jews never existed in the lands. These claims are as valid as their claim to have invented language. The truth is the Arabs were residing in the Arabian Peninsula when the Hebrews, the ancient Jews, resided in Eretz Yisroel, the lands of Israel, and they were worshiping to the Moon god, Allah surprisingly enough, and bowing at the site built around their precious meteor, the same one placed so craftily in that huge black box in the central plaza in Mecca, the Ka’ba (see below).


Ka'aba in Mecca is holiest Islamic site in the world definitively holier than Jerusalem and the Temple Mount which is the holiest place for Jews alone.

Ka’aba in Mecca is holiest Islamic site in the world definitively holier than Jerusalem and the Temple Mount which is the holiest place for Jews alone.


Returning to the history and what truth it realizes about the lands of Israel. Throughout history these lands have been ruled over but never ruled from by numerous other empires since the original days of Hebrew (Jewish) rule under the Kings, Prophets and Judges of Biblical fame. Each empire had the same problems. The land refused to give up its abundance to them with one exception, the Persians. The Persians conquered the Babylonians and freed the captive Hebrews and allowed them to return and rebuild the Temple, the Second Temple, and settle in their native lands and be semiautonomous and simply pay taxes. Under this arrangement the land prospered, the Persians received their cut of the profit and everybody lived happily for a few centuries until some Persian decided they should simply take the land and its abundance. This led to the land failing and the Hebrews returning to the lands after throwing off the Persian yoke. Then there came the Greeks, Assyrians, Romans, Islamics, Christians, Muslims, and finally the British. The main change came when the Assyrians initially conquered the northern kingdom which had separated from the southern kingdom. The northern kingdom had the name Israel but did not include Yerushalayim thus having no heart. The southern kingdom was Judah which had Yerushalayim, a heart, but its soul, the lands, was incomplete. The northern kingdom was the federation of the ten northern tribes who after being conquered were not heard from again until recent modern history and spread throughout the world with some actually making the effort to remain loyal to Torah as best they were able, some better than others as is true in all human endeavors, and others falling away completely and never to return.


The southern kingdom also eventually fell but remained in the land and they were known as Judeans, which became Judans and eventually simply Jew. Whenever these lands were owned and cultivated by other than Hebrews or Judeans or Jews the land begrudgingly gave up anything and was mostly barren. When the Hebrews in any rendition worked these lands they prospered and produced in generous quantities all sorts of foods and products and the land gave wealth. This wealth was often proportional to the following of Torah and Hashem’s laws. When the Hebrews failed the land soured and they were conquered and often removed from their lands. Every conqueror failed to gain profit from the lands of Israel as can be noted even now. When the Jews resided in Gaza it had a flourishing agricultural economy and now that the Jews have been wiped from the land and Hamas rules Gaza it struggles and has a meager agricultural output compared to before. This might have something to do with the Palestinian Arabs immediately after the Jews departed tearing down and trashing the synagogue’s buildings as well as their tearing apart the greenhouses and irrigation works as they found a better use for those pipes than growing crops and eating well, they could make rockets to launch at the Israeli occupiers who had left the lands completely but to the followers of Hamas the Jews are still occupiers because as such they can be blamed for any and all problems stemming from having terrorists running your economy and lands.


The West Bank which is made up of Judea and Samaria, ancient Jewish provinces which is why Jordan renamed the lands something, as they described the new name, less Jewish. In these lands the Jews reside largely in Area C where the economy is healthy in most parts. The Arab Palestinians live and rule over Areas A and B where the economy is failing and there is gross mismanagement of resources once again due to terrorists running the government and hatred being their sole profitable product. What keeps the terrorists of Hamas in power in Gaza and the PLO reconfigured as the Palestinian Authority, a great example of putting lipstick on the pig to make it presentable, is due to the desperate support to try and remove the Jews from their ancient homelands being supported through funding in the billions of dollars per month by the Islamic world, the Western world and the Russians and in a lesser manner, the Chinese. This preconceived notion by the Western world that because the Jews returned to their lands, it upset the two main driving forces of their world. The Christians, especially the Catholics, are threatened because replacement theology, which is at their core and a definition of their relevance, depends on the Jews being the accursed of the Deity shared by Judaism and Christendom and thus forced to live throughout the world scattered and never unified or allowed to rule themselves always depending on the goodwill of others, meaning Christians, for their very survival and never ever ever being permitted to return and rule themselves in the Promised Lands. Refusing the Jews unilateral rule over Jerusalem is the saving grace and that the Jews do not control all of Judea and Samaria adds a small amount of safety as the Jews have not returned to rule over all the land; so maybe some of the curses remain and they can still claim to be the new chosen ones and the Catholics claim that the new religious center decided in Heaven to be Vatican City and Rome, what a surprise that the silent conquerors of all the Roman Empire would choose Rome of all places to replace Jerusalem in part. Israel, on the other hand, is prosperous, had a burgeoning agricultural economy, is a leading high tech center of the world, has many innovative companies and leads the world in start-up companies per capita. Israel per capita leads the world in books published, libraries, universities, people with bachelor degrees, masters degrees and doctoral degrees, patents filed and various other areas dealing with science, literature, the arts and all endeavors of social and scientific areas in modern societies. Israel is outdone in total numbers solely by nations considerably larger with the United States being the single most often nation ahead of Israel in total number but per capita it is an entirely different ball game.


Burning Israel Star of David


When asking college students in the vast Western societal deserts, where the big lie works as well as it always has, Israel is one of the worst places on earth filled with violence, inequalities, desperations and fraught with danger. Ask virtually anyone who had actually spent a fair amount of time; say a year or more, living and working in Israel and you will be regaled with stories of the great opportunities, the helpfulness and optimism of most of the people and the vibrancy of life in Israel. Does Israel have some problems? Well, it is not exactly heaven on earth but she is working on that. Some of the biggest problems stem from constantly having to be on a war footing and the economic price that demands. She has problems of relying too heavily on promises made and having all too many of them broken or made so difficult that their price makes them more threat than promise.


She pays a price at having to dance to the dictates of other nations in order to retain sufficient sway to avoid vindictive and viscous attacks from her plethora of enemies. She must balance her different friendly states who do not particularly like each other such as the United States, China, Russia and the European Union, though the European Union would be considered a hostile witness in the world court system when it comes to Israel. Israel has threats which are paid in bullets, rockets, missiles and terrorist attacks which while this should not prevent her also dispelling the lies spread about her throughout the corners of the globe (though I have heard the globe is spherical thus corners is a weird reference) as that would simply be a further strain on her economy. Some have suggested that the vast majority of the employees at Israeli embassies should be Israeli and other than the Ambassador (which unfortunately will never be removed from politics completely) should be trained and be returned every few years for additional training and updating the employees on how to best fight against the mendacious vile statements and accusation made against Israel so that Israel will have a ready force throughout many nations and areas where these embassies become a central hub supporting and even organizing within the Jewish and when requested other communities fighting lies with facts and truths. Yes, a lie will make it half way around the world before the truth gets its pants on and there is a reason for that, a lie needs no facts and the truth must find the facts with which to anchor itself or it becomes rumor and of no use in fighting that lie. Truth will always play catch-up but it has the advantage of veracity and facts.


Here are some final little points about Israel. Israel is a democracy and the only functioning democracy over the past sixty-eight years continuously. Israel is not only fighting terror against her own citizens but is treating citizens from neighboring countries and even the Palestinian Arab areas in her hospitals as a humanitarian action as Israel is the most humane nation in her neighborhood if not the world. Israel is quietly providing water, a precious resource in the Middle East, to Jordan to assist with the care of the Syrian refugee camps. Israel has treated victims of the Syria calamity of wars from all sides and all walks of life without asking questions or employing any limiting considerations as life is considered precious and worth saving whenever possible.


As noted earlier, Israel runs an organization which treats children with heart defects and sets up entire programs in hospitals throughout the world in some of the neediest nations, equips these departments with the necessary equipment, trains their doctors, nurses, staff, surgeons and support personnel in the use, care and methods of the kinds of operations and care they will need to provide and performs follow up visits to assure that all is working efficiently, takes children from enemy states who cannot come to Israel not have it known they were ever in Israel through third party nations while keeping their and their family’s passports clear of any record of their visit in order to provide life-saving operations many of which procedures originated with Israeli surgeons and researchers.


Israel has provided sanctuary to threatened people from throughout the world from the Vietnamese boat people to the Ethiopian Jews and Jews from India and further and the Baha’I. Israel has no class system or other manner of separating people and all citizens have full and equal rights religiously, culturally, socially, legally and have the vote with many actually placing members of their community in the Knesset and have their peoples serving as judges or working as doctors, surgeons, teachers and any other profession side by side with Jews of Israel. The one thing which Israel does not have is any Jews or troops in Gaza which is fully independent and ruled by the terrorist group Hamas whose violent takeover resulted in the embargo which Israel placed to prevent the arming of Hamas as much as possible. Israel, on the other hand, relays tons of food, medicine and other provisions into Gaza daily and provides water and electricity to Gaza for which nothing is ever paid on the bill that had accrued.


Israel also has no ruling authority over Areas A and B in Judea and Samaria where the Palestinian Authority, the redressed PLO terror outfit, rules the people and has refused to hold election which Israel cannot force them to hold and has basically crippled two full generations of children by raising them and indoctrinating them. These unfortunate children were invested with a visceral hatred of Israel and the Jews, educating them that only by destroying Israel and murdering the Jews within will they ever know freedom or wealth, They were fed a steady diet of conceit that their favored path is Jihad and their greatest glory is to die in Jihad and service of Islam and Allah. They indoctrinate and instigate on their television and radio stations which are licensed through Israel who has not cut them off as the world would have a conniption fit and become apoplectic. All of Judea and Samaria are legally Israeli lands and Israel could take control of these lands and choose whatever path Israel saw fit for the residents of Areas A and B as well as any other Palestinian Authority citizens as they are alien residents from Jordan.


This is further validated by evidence of the last nation of record, though Jordan had rescinded their citizenship and denied they ever were Jordanian, trying to refute even those with Jordanian official birth certificates and citizenship cards. Some even have Jordanian passports though out of date. This is the truth as Jordan conquered these areas after they invaded with five or six other Arab nations in 1948 attempting to erase Israel on her very first morning of existence. Jordan annexed these lands illegally and was only recognized by Britain and Pakistan as even the Arab League refused to recognize Jordan’s annexation of Israeli lands. Israel liberated these lands and the Jews which Jordan had thrown from their homes returned to find their homes gifted to Jordanians with connections to the Jordanian government and their businesses looted and destroyed. Many of the residents in these areas were from the other side of the Jordan River and moved to Judea and Samaria as the prices for property and homes was lower. These lands should have reverted to Israeli rule and the people who one week earlier were Jordanians in good standing should have been deported to Jordan as their being Jordanian made them illegal occupants on Israeli land.


Such mass emigrations were common throughout the early and middle Twentieth Century with the most famous being the Pakistan-Indian exodus which also saw great amounts of violence and many of the emigrants paid with their lives as the Hindus and Muslims were less than enamored with one another and both had their differences with the Buddhists who did their best to remain neutral and detached as is their way in this world. Israel is a very different place when one takes the effort to find the real truth underneath the hyperventilating and the lies screamed and protests of events and acts which never occurred. Given half a chance, Israel would like nothing more than to be allowed her natural and granted borders decided by the San Remo Conference minus Gaza as Israel surrendered that to the Palestinian Authority who lost it in a coup to a terror group, Hamas. As far as Hamas is concerned, it would be nice to be rid of them but they have so poisoned the minds of their people that they could not be incorporated into Israel without years of reeducation, something Israel would rather not have to do, so replacing Hamas with a governance not dedicated to the death of every Israel and every Jew worldwide would simply be the start to a long process.


Dreams are nice but reality will slap you awake every day you try to live a dream, so perhaps it is best to live with reality and go from there. As far as allowing a second Muslim state be established in any part of Judea and Samaria, Israel knows as well as Mahmoud Abbas that such would become another Hamas ruled area and Abbas and many of the other political leaders and societal leadership are fully aware that the first order of business under Hamas would be their heads removed or other accident. These are our truths and there is nothing else to add really, the lies will continue and the truth, as always, must be dug from beneath the layers of hate and lies spread to defame. These layers of hate and lies are simply made stronger as anti-Semitism blinds more people through the hatred which is older than any other on Earth.


Beyond the Cusp


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