2nd Annual Literary Lovers Mash-Up Writing Contest

Today, we’re launching our 2nd annual Literary Lovers Mash-Up Writing Contest. We had so much fun with this last year, that we’re doing it again. This is your chance to imagine if two unlikely literary heroes met and had an explosive romance. For example …

What if Mr. Darcy met Bella from Twilight?

What if Katniss from The Hunger Games met Jace from The Mortal Instruments?

What if Edward Cullen met Jane Eyre?

Can you imagine the possibilities?

Here are the details:

The Contest:

In 500 words or less, write an explosive love scene (or an explosive romantic meeting) between two characters from DIFFERENT books. These can be contemporary, classic, YA, romance, etc. Anything, as long as they are books!

To make it easy, be sure to use the Literary Lovers Mash-Up Writing Contest Entry Form to submit your short stories.


Depending on the number of entries we get, we’ll send out as many sets of Novel Novice bookmarks as possible — just for participating! (But, unfortunately, we can only send bookmarks to those of you in the U.S. Sorry, we just can’t afford int’l shipping rates!)

The best entries will also be published here on Novel Novice!

If we get some really amazing entries, we may even throw in a couple books as grand prizes. But you’ve really got to wow us!

The Rules & Guidelines:

  • Please keep stories to 500 words or less (approx.)
  • Use proper spelling & grammar
  • Stories must include a pair of characters from TWO different books
  • Please use the entry form. Entries submitted any other way will not be counted.
  • If you’re feeling inspired, you MAY enter more than once!
  • Anyone, from ANY country can enter — but we can ONLY send prizes within the U.S.

The Deadline:

All entries are due by Valentine’s Day – Monday, February 14th at midnight (PT)

Questions? Leave ’em in the comments & we’ll reply!

Need more inspiration? Check out the winning entries from last year!

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