Support Hunger strikers: Yonca Akici, is the 6th to Die.. Stop Erdogan!

note.. this ‘TheFreeOnline’ blog is now banned in Turkey with Dozens more pro Rojava and anti Fascist sites

Yonca Akici was in Şakran’s women’s prison for four years for her ideology and political militancy, feminist and anti-fascist. On March 29, she tried to put an end to his life to protest against the isolation of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan. She died on April  1st.

Ocalan in the past has declared long ceasefires with the Turkish State rejecting terrorism and separatism  in favour of ‘municipal anarchist’ communal ideas and feminist emancipation which have swept through the over 15 million Kurdish population.

Yonca’s body was buried in her hometown, Burunbulak village in Tutak district of Ağrı. Meanwhile, the cemetery was surrounded by security forces, only the closest relatives were allowed to attend the funeral.

Akici had been on hunger strike since March 1, and finally, yesterday, she died at the Çiğli State Hospital, where she lay severely injured.

see also: 300 on Hunger Strike – How Ocalan Transformed the PKK into Anti-Terrorists

After the autopsy, her body was sent to the Kurdish city Ağrı to be  buried.

The bodies of three other hunger strikers who have committed suicide,  Zülküf Gezen, Ayten Beçet and Zehra Sağlam were retained by the Turkish regime and buried in silence without the participation of relatives and people, while only a few members of the family were able to attend. News is suppressed in the Government controlled media with dozens of outlets closed, journalists jailed and hundreds of thousands purged..

Erdogan arrests 735 more Kurds as Peace Hunger Strikers near Death

Erdogan arrests 735 more Kurds as Peace Hunger Strikers near Death

number 7 … Siraç Yüksek,

Yet another dead political prisoner.  Siraç Yüksek who joined the  hunger strike on March 1 in protest at the “isolation” of imprisoned leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) Abdullah Öcalan committed suicide in a prison in the southern Turkish province of Osmaniye, being the 7th victim of such political suicides in a month, the Mezopotamya news agency reported.

Siraç Yüksek, was among the hundreds of hunger strikers in prisons across Turkey to protest Öcalan’s prison conditionsYüksek’s body was sent to the Adana Council of Forensic Medicine for an autopsy.

He was arrested in May 2016 during a curfew imposed on Nusaybin at the time, according to Mesopotamia.Prisoner. Siraç died  in the T-type prison in Osmaniye.

The funeral of Siraç took place in the district of Nusaybin in Mardin. Again, only the closest family members were let by the security forces to enter the cemetery. There were brief discussions between those who were not allowed to attend the funeral and the police.

Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) deputy Leyla Güven in November went on a hunger strike when she was jailed on charges of »disseminating terrorist propaganda», that is protesting the illegal and genocidal invasion of Afrin on social media. .

Three other HDP deputies are also currently on a hunger strike seeking an improvement in Öcalan’s prison conditions.

The deputies are protesting Öcalan’s inability to speak with his lawyers, referring to it as his “isolation.”

HDP deputies criticize the silence of society in the face of hunger strikes that have been increasing among Kurdish politicians across the country.

Statement by the PKK

The PKK Executive Committee made a statement about the sacrifice actions in prisons saying: «The Great Resistance by Hunger Strike, which has been taken up by our people has  spread throughout the world. Resistance has been carried out with the slogan «Let’s break the isolation, lets destroy fascism». With the local elections on March 31, it seems that the AKP-MHP collapse becomes clearer. Our resistance aims to overthrow the fascist mentality and genocide policy and end the system of torture and isolation …. and gain freedom. Therefore, it is important and necessary to correctly understand the line of action and not carry out individual actions. There are some actions that should not be repeated. These are the actions of the comrades Zülküf, Uğur and Ayten. We believe that all the prison comrades will act with this awareness, not individually, but in an organized manner. «

Since the launch of actions against the hunger strike that demand the end of isolation against Abdullah Öcalan, six people have now lost their lives, five of them in prison (one man and three prisoners) and one exiled to Germany.

Leyla Guven, the parliamentarian jailed for supporting Afrin who began the hunger strikes now comprising 0ver 400 people, has also called on the hunger strikers not to commit suicide. She has now gone almost 150 days without  food.

The other people who ended their lives are:

– Uğur Şakar (February 21, Germany),

– Zülküf Gezen (March 17, prison type F Tekirdağ no. 2),Image result for Zülküf Gezen,

– Ayten Beçet (March 22, closed prison of women Gebze Type-M),

– Zehra Sağlam (March 24, Oltu Type-T Prison).

– Medina Çınar (March 25, Prison of Mardin type E)

– Yonca Akici (April 1, Şakran Prison)

original en català

Mor la presa en vaga de fam Yonca Akici, és la sisena

Yonca Akici era a la presó de dones de Şakran des de feia quatre anys per la seva ideologia i militància política. El 29 de març va intentar posar fi a la seva vida per protestar contra l’aïllament contra el líder popular kurd, Abdullah Öcalan.

Akici havia estat en vaga de fam des de l’1 de març i, finalment, ahir va perdre la vida a l’Hospital Estatal de Çiğli, on havia estat presa greument ferida. Després de l’autòpsia, el cos serà enviat a la ciutat kurda Ağrı per enterrar-lo.

Els cossos de Zülküf Gezen, Ayten Beçet i Zehra Sağlam van ser retinguts pel règim turc i enterrats en silenci sense la participació de familiars i persones, mentre que només alguns membres de la família van poder assistir.

Declaració del PKK

El Comitè Executiu del PKK va fer una declaració sobre les accions de sacrifici a les presons dient: «La Gran Resistència a la Vaga de la Fam, que ha estat desenvolupada per la nostra gent a tot el món, ha assolit un nivell important per difondre’s a tot el món. La resistència s’ha dut a terme amb el lema «Anem a trencar l’aïllament, destruïm el feixisme. Amb les eleccions locals del 31 de març, sembla que el col·lapse AKP-MHP esdevindrà més clar. Sens dubte, aquesta resistència té com a objectiu derrocar la mentalitat i la política genocida feixista, acabant amb el sistema de tortura i aïllament d’Imali és una resistència heroica i una resistència a la llibertat.

Per tant, és important i necessari entendre correctament la línia d’actuació i no dur a terme accions individuals. Hi ha algunes accions que no s’han de repetir. Aquestes són les accions dels camarades Zülküf, Uğur i Ayten. Creiem que tots els camarades de les presons actuaran amb aquesta consciència, no pas individualment, sinó de manera organitzada. »

Des de la posada en marxa d’actuacions contra la vaga de fam que demanen la fi de l’aïllament contra Abdullah Öcalan, sis persones han perdut la vida, cinc d’ells a presó (un home i tres presoneres) i un exiliat a Alemanya. Es tracta, doncs, de la sisena mort en la protesta de l’aïllament. Les altres persones que van acabar les seves vides són:

Uğur Şakar (21 de febrer, Alemanya),

Zülküf Gezen (17 de març, presó de tipus F Tekirdağ n º 2),

Ayten Beçet (22 de març, presó tancat de les dones Gebze Type-M),

Zehra Sağlam (24 de març, presó Oltu Type-T).

Medya Çınar (25 de març, presó de Mardin tipus E)

– Yonca Akici (1 d’abril, presó de Şakran)

Autor: thefreeonline

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