Activation Energy: Political and Scientific

It had been my hope to have authored this treatise much earlier, in time for the third anniversary of the State of Sandus. However, there have been numerous delays and issues which have arose and it is only this evening, a week later and after taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test, that I am able to author this treatise that marks a continuation of the research of Realist politics for this State. Under normal circumstances, I would begin this introduction with a more artful invocation to some god or goddess or other mythological figure. However, out of respect for the subject that is dear to the heart of M. Tierney of Renasia, a personal friend and a public ally, I have gone beyond the tradition of authoring such an invocation. Though, may this take the place of the invocation: may this treatise serve this State of Sandus, her allies, and all micronations in so that the information within this treatise may be related to others with ease and benefit all those and their states interested in these findings.

The Scientific Analogy

In the realm of Chemistry and, specifically, chemical reactions, there exists a theory concerning the very processes and states of reactants and products before, during, and after the reaction. To one who is less interested in conglomerated subjects that could potentially affect one’s state, or to a more interested chemist whose intelligence on this theory exceeds most others, this theory would be of little use for micronationalism or our collective states. However, perhaps it is for a neophyte of chemistry, such as myself, whose interest and occupation is micronationalism that this theory would take a striking relevance to the micronational world and the issues within it.

In the very minuscule particles of our mass,  and of all mass, exist atoms and molecules. 118 elements react to form thousands — if not millions — of molecules whose vast number fills the libraries of the human mind. It is when these atoms and molecules react, however, that energy is required. For a reaction to take place, it is far more complicated and special than what one observes with their pair of eyes. The atoms do not merely swap places in space but, rather, they must collide and smash together in the tiniest of space and, thereby, they react to form new substances. However, this smashing and colliding alone will not do enough to make a new substance: the reactants require the force in their collision in order to break the bonds of eachother so that new bonds can form. The correct position, too, is required — for the molecules must collide in both the right force and the right place in order to break apart and bond again.

When applied to the micronational sense, each state is its own laboratory. Within the micronational world, we constantly see new reactants forming the products of a new, young micronation; we can see the old products of a certain micronation collide together to form a new product. In the intramicronational sense, each micronation has its own solution of reactants and products that await the on-going reaction of state: they all have a population (primarily a reactant, but also a product), a social and governmental structure (most of the time, a product of the initial reaction but, as time goes on, it may become a reactant), and so many other elements and variables. However, this analogy would be relatively little without some sort of actual experience to exemplify this theory or any sort of practical use for present and future states.

The Experiences of Reaction and Looking to the Present & Future

Each micronationalist can imagine their own reaction or experiment, that is their state. However, there exist a few examples that deserve notoriety.
In the history of Sandus, our State, we have had a few variations in government. Until the 13th of April, 2011, we had not found a stable product of our elements. With our Socialist beliefs, we created baronies: this product decayed. With our small population, we created vast republics and the Barony of Kremlum Sandus: the Democratic People’s Republic of Sandus and the Barony of Kremlum Sandus disappeared to form new reactants. With the fall of the People’s State in late 2009, the element of amusement reacted with itself and, like H2 or Hydrogen gas, it floated off into the vastness of space. After the secession of the Territory of Sandus from the St.Charlian Commonwealth, for the first time the reactants have collided with sufficient force and formed a product that attained something that could only be described by the Nemkhav micropatriological term “normalcy“.
The histories of Zealandia and of Kozuc, as well, have been noted for their often changes. There appears to be no evolution in the changes until recently, when Kozuc joined St.Charlie and Zealandia has ousted a foreign mission sent to advise it. Before this seems to be a snide attack at that nation’s mission in Zealandia, it is necessary to relate the similarities between Sandus after the secession and Zealandia after the ousting. Perhaps it is for once in Zealandia’s history that the elements have finally aligned and are prepared to collide together. It appears that the beaker of Zealandia’s reactants, the elements of Zealandian political society, are ready to form a stable product; the only necessary action now, then, is that the reactants collide in the right spots and that the bonds holding the metaphoric XeF4 will finally break to create a stable, natural compound. Just as the 20th of February is celebrated as the day that this compound for Sandus formed, so may that day be celebratory for Zealandia.

The case of Kozuc, however, is far more exemplary and, also, far more instructive on cognition of this activation energy. Kozuc’s history, to the known extent of it, is one of a military state — a group of teenaged boys whose interests lie in military and the amusement of childhood and adolescent gangs and armies. Indeed, this fact was best shown to me when, recently, I witnessed a conversation on a photo on Facebook between M. Small and another Kozuc citizen and M. Small was being ridiculed for the fact that Kozuc “was not fun anymore” and that this particular person was threatening to leave Kozuc for the simple fact that their army had done little since joining St.Charlie. To a common person, this fact would not only be unnecessary to know but also lack anything special about it. However, this is stratification of Kozuc society is one that has resulted in many demises for her government. Of the variables that make of Kozuc, its history as a adolescent gang or army and its history of a large population — a product of the former, most likely — have led it to make up a rather unstable and uneasy compound in all her governments. Of all the governments, which are the product of the variables, or elements, of a micronation, each have fallen until the present in St.Charlie.
This history of large population affects this activation energy, of the reaction that produces a government, most clearly. Imagine each micronational government system has its own activation energy: the energy which leads to an active government in a micronation. It is more common that a micronation hasn’t enough people or citizens: in the example of the Barony of Kremlum Sandus, too much was required by the Constitution for one person. This example of Kremlum Sandus is shown in many other micronations, in which there are too few citizens for such a large government — this is perhaps the success of the State, in that there is a small government that is just right for the number of citizens. However, in the odd case of Kozuc, there are too many citizens and too little interest as a result of its small governments. Of all the governments in Kozuc’s past, they have all had only a few positions of importance. However, with 44 citizens whose interests are war and the army, the government systems of Kozuc have had too little an activation energy to react to form a stable government for the populous Kozuc.
This is why, in the case of Kozuc, her admittance into St.Charlie may both be a blessing or a continuity of further government collapse. Within the next few months, with the peak of Summer upon us on the Solstice, Kozuc will be faced with a sincere decision: conform to St.Charlie’s stable form of republican government or continue with the compound which contains the history of an adolescent army-gang. It may seem an easy question for one to answer, but it is a heavy decision for M. Small and the St.Charlian Federal Government. With the continued element of history, Kozuc will retain its large amount of citizens and be a large, decomposing compound that shall continue to face political strife and a renewed independence under this socially-imposed junta; or, with the recreation of Kozuc under a new civilian government and the possible shedding of citizens whose interests are not Kozuc but – rather – this adolescent army-gang, Kozuc may either continue to reside in St.Charlie as her happy participant or as an equally happy and stable sovereign state. What ever decision the Kozuc local government and the St.Charlian federal government decide, may their decision merely produce a stable form of government and may their “activation energy” by the right amount.

This issue of Kozuc affects St.Charlie as a whole, too. With the introduction of so many new federations, as a result of the St.Charlian Commonwealth’s recent lack of appeal, St.Charlie has reformed her social and government structure to accommodate them. In a sense, this is a sad and worrying sign for St.Charlie. With these new federations, whose reactants may produce no stable government or state, St.Charlie as a whole may be forced to compromise the stability of her Federal Republic for these new federations. Already St.Charlie has reformed the structure of government to accommodate new federations with Local Assemblies and local governments, governments never set up under the natural and stable St.Charlie of old, and this new Aqua Regia has gone where the Hydrochloric Acid of the Commonwealth could not: it has begun to affect the composition of the metaphorical gold. Only time shall tell if the ratio of this acids components will leave the Federal Republic unharmed or if the ratio of the acid is just right and the stability that was the gold of the Federal Republic will begin to break away. With the new federations that share little social, political, or historical similarities with St.Charlie, we may see a change in St.Charlie’s composition from the pure Federal Republic of old to a new, Nemkhav-like acceptor, such as is basic.

With this study of micronational activation energy, may all those who consider a change in government or a destruction of national sovereignty consider the activity required in the change and the hopeful end product. May each and every micronation, including our State of Sandus, find their stable composition and create, for themselves, diamonds from carbon.

— Sôgmô Sörgel.

3 responses to “Activation Energy: Political and Scientific”

  1. Great analysis. I, too, will be interested to see what happens to St
    Charlie ‘s internal dynamics. Definitely the best of the Realist Treatises.

  2. […] Activation Energy: Political and Scientific: This treatise focuses on a scientific analogy between micronations and the chemistry concept, which the treatise does not delve into out of respect of the basic division between natural and social sciences. It does, however, focus on the concept of a necessary energy for the correct collision and development of chemical compounds: an energy that one can find in micronations that restrict their attributions according to their size, activity of their citizens, and the attachment to a micronation’s system. The treatise examines several case studies – including St.Charlie, Kozuc, Zealandia, and Sandus – and the various attributes of their “activation energy.” […]

  3. […] Sandus State College (KSSC). A part of his political philosophy of Realism, he dubs this phenomenon “Activation Energy”, akin to the concept within the field of chemistry. Sörgel summarised this at the conference as […]

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