
Blog strike

Way back when I first started blogging — when it wasn’t even called blogging — I’d often write about the guy I was dating. We broke up about a year later shortly after he read a piece alluding to my frustration and unhappiness in the relationship.

In my post-breakup sadness, I naively believed we would still be together if I had never recounted the dream on my blog. I felt my words were unfairly used against me to justify the breakup rather than fixing the relationship.

After that, I asked him not to read my blog. I wanted him to know as little about my life as I knew about his. I wanted the break in communication and knowledge about one another’s lives to be equal.

Of course, there was really no way to make sure he wasn’t readying my blog and that troubled me. Still, I didn’t stop writing. I’ve never stopped writing on my blog for more than week* until now.


At first, It wasn’t an intentional blog strike. I was just busy. Job1, job2, family, DB, friends, traveling, and the phantom dissertation proposal were all taking up a lot of my time.

But it quickly evolved in to a decision not to blog, to lay low.

That feeling I had many years ago returned. I was still bothered that you could know so much about me — or at least what I chose to reveal — and yet you would still be a mystery. So I didn’t reveal anything, no thought, opinion, story, or update. I wanted to make you do more than just type my URL to find out how I’m doing. You know, call or visit.

And so, I chose to keep my words to myself for a few weeks, until I knew you’d be gone.

There was that time back in October 2006 when I had technical difficulties with my blog and had to switch hosts. I think my blog was hacked.


10 thoughts on “Blog strike

  1. I’m glad yer back, I was wondering what had happened to you. It’s good to take breaks, preferably from everything. I hope you’re doing okay.

  2. On the flip side, I knew I’d lost someone, at least was beginning to lose someone, when I was told he no longer read the blog. “For what?” he said. “Anything I need to know, you’ll tell me.”

    Which is essentially true but my feelings were hurt and it seemed like a sign that things weren’t quite right between us and it turns I was right.

    Hope the break helps you.

  3. a break is always good, not for us readers, but all we can do is wait. as long as the break is your choice for your good, don’t allow others to dictate when you blog. you alone hold the power.
    welcome back, i’ve missed you.

  4. Thank you for responding to our “wondering”. I’m glad that you are O.K.
    I mean, that nothing bad has happened to you.

    You know? I can relate to what you’re going through because I too had a relationship with a man that used to read my blog – actually it was a blog that only he and I could read.

    He just told me this week that he misses reading my thoughts and that it is so interesting, that I should make it into a book.

    A book!!! Can you imagine? Maybe one day our blogs could turn into some of those “Novelas” we so love to watch. God knows that our situations, sometimes, are far more increadible than a Novela.

    Anyways, I’m glad that you are back:)

  5. Hi Cindylu, Great to see that you are back, though honestly I haven’t been on the Internet very often because I’ve been on holiday and before that working like crazy. I love your blog and hearing your voice, if only through your posts. As you know, I don’t know you in person, so I probably won’t be calling 🙂 , but I really appreciate being able to drop in on you via Loteria Chicana from afar. I would bet you’re a light in the lives of a lot of people. Peace – A.

  6. it bugs me that people would rather contact me online or myspace rather than just calling me or even sending a text. It’s amazing how detached people can get with technology making indirect contact so easy. Ahh, I remember when my significant other would read my blog to find out what the hell was going through my mind. She would ask me online rather than talking to me about it, WTF ??? Drama follows you EVERY WHERE.

  7. i have not blogged as much as i once did. one of the reasons is lack of time but i have to admit that i’ve been struggling with a desire to build some distance. i’ve had a couple of customers take me by surprise and reveal that they read my peronal blog. and i know it comes with the territory but its caught me off guard and i guess i have to make up some guidelines for myself.

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