janet @ the taste space

Raw Key Lime Pie

In Desserts, Favourites on June 25, 2012 at 5:40 AM

Happy birthday to me.

Today is my birthday.

I don’t like to make a fuss about it, though. I’d rather have a quiet night at home, dinner cooked for me, than throw a birthday bash. I find more love in that than heading to a resto.

I am hoping to break the grasp of restos on my life. I have a few that I enjoy and those are ones that I haven’t quite figured out how to duplicate at home. With a Vitamix and dehydrator, I should be all equipped. I just need some smokin’ recipes.

Last year, my Mom made a killer raw raspberry cheesecake for my birthday. This year, there ain’t no party, but I thought it would be nice to continue the tradition of creating a decadent raw dessert for my birthday. I consider myself a quasi raw dessert expert, nearly always sampling a dessert when I visit a raw restaurant. I mean, I am an expert in taste. I have not nearly mastered all raw desserts. I just know what tastes good! A recent visit to the Naked Sprout in Burlington had me sampling Rob’s dessert: Raw Key Lime Pie. It was nice, light yet filling. Apparently they don’t even use lime to make it. The flavour is from lemons. (WHAT?!) Anyways, I figured I could try my hand at it back at home.

Armed with a recipe from Peacefood Cafe, a vegan resto in New York, I set myself to work. I had to scope out a few ingredients, but it was totally worth it. Cheap Brazil nuts and raw cashews from Kensington Market. 10 limes for $1 at my local grocer. 5 avocados for $2.50, too. Agave and coconut oil were already in my pantry. And yes, then to find a young Thai coconut. My new local grocer had that, too! $2 for a young coconut.

When we were in Colombia, the young coconuts were opened with a machete. Yeah, we weren’t going to do that. There are many different ways to open coconuts (great video here), but we’ve had the most success with removing the majority of the skin with a knife, scoring the top with a knife and then bashing it against the front steps to crack it open. OK, I’ll be honest- this is Rob’s successful technique. Not mine. I just help with its consumption. The juice is probably the best part, although Rob likes to eat the meat, too. In this case, I used the coconut meat for the dessert.

Since Rob had the task of opening the coconut, this was a very simple recipe to make. Assuming of course you have a gizmo to help with juicing 8 limes! Process the nuts and dates for the crust. Smoosh it into a springform pan. The rest of the ingredients were combined in my Vitamix to create a silky smooth filling. The green comes naturally from the avocados!

I hesitated as I dumped in 3/4 cup agave, but figured it would balance the 1 cup of fresh lime juice. I hesitated again when I added the coconut oil to the filling. The filling was so good without any oil at all, but I compromised. I added in 1/2 cup coconut oil instead of the full 3/4 cup. Trust me, you don’t need the full amount.ย  You could probably use less oil, actually, because with the avocados and coconut, this is one decadently rich dessert. Incredibly delicious and it rivals the best raw desserts I have eaten. It is that good. Serve as small pieces.

Now who wants to come over tonight to help me polish off the rest of this pie?
(I am alone since Rob is away ALL WEEK!!)

Plus, a dessert like this is meant to be shared… ๐Ÿ˜‰

This is my submission to this weekโ€™s Weekend Herb Blogging, hosted by Elena, to this week’s potluck party and to this week’s Weekend Wellness.

Raw Key Lime Pie
Adapted from Peacefood Cafe via ABC News

1 cup almonds
1.5 cups Brazil nuts
pinch of salt
1/3 cup dates
1/8 cup coconut oil, melted

1 cup cashews, soaked at least 4 hours, preferably overnight, and drained
meat from 1 young coconut, around 3/4 cup
3/4 cup agave
8 (regular) limes, zested and juiced (around 1 cup)
3 avocados (around 2 cups avocado flesh)
1/2 cup coconut oil, melted
pinch of sea salt

dried coconut, for dusting (optional)
1 lime, thinly sliced, for garnish (optional)

1. In food processor fitted with an S-blade, pulse to grind the almonds,ย  Brazil nuts and salt until almost finely ground. Drop in the dates and allow to combine. Lastly, add in the coconut oil to bind the crust further. Press into a 9-inch springform pan or pie glass.

2. In a high-speed blender (or a cleaned food processor), blend the cashews, coconut meat and agave until smooth.Add the lime zest and juice and blend until smooth. Add the avocados and blend until completely smooth. Add the coconut oil, and continue to blend until smooth. Pour the filling on top of the crust and use a spatula to flatten the top. Chill in the freezer for at least 2 hours until set. Dust with dried coconut and a slice of lime just prior to serving, if desired. If you freeze it longer, it will take an hour or longer to thaw to eat. If thawing, keep it in its container, else the pie will frost up (any guesses how I know that??).

Serves 12+.

  1. do you say to serve in small pieces so you don’t have to feel guilty for getting seconds? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day. If I were closer I’d certainly come over to help you with this fantastic-looking pie.

  2. this looks delicious, I love that the avocado gives a natural green colour, AND a natural creaminess. happy birthday and hope you had a delicious day!

  3. Me! Me! I want to come help you finish it!! YUMMO!!

  4. Happy birthday! I’ve made avocado key lime pies & parfaits, but the coconut meat must make this really silky and delicious! That close-up picture of your fork digging in makes me think of a rich, dense cheesecake texture…oooh, you lucky birthday girl! ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Happy birthday! I love the avocado and the lime in this pie! Sounds so good! Hope you have an excellent birthday! Booo on Rob being away on your birthday!!!!

  6. Happy birthdayyy! I love the color of this pie. I still have never had key lime pie before. I need to get on the bandwagon asap

  7. Happy happy birthday! You definitely deserve a delicious pie like that one. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. happy birthday!! ๐Ÿ™‚ what a delicious way to celebrate! i’ve never made raw desserts before, but yours looks awesome. i love lime, but have never had key lime pie (traditional or raw). this recipe is bookmarked for sure!

  9. Happy birthday!!!! This cake is delicius and gourmand.
    Thank you for your recipe!

  10. Happy birthday lovely! I’m with you on the restaurant thing…I’d much rather stay in than go out. Unless I know the food will be worth it…which it really isn’t more and more frequently. You definitely have mastered raw desserts in my opinion! This looks excellent!

  11. Happy birthday! I am the same as you- I don’t like fusses or parties. Just a quiet night at home with a couple of good friends is all I need. Oh and a special cake- that always helps ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. What a great way to treat yourself, this looks amazing! Happy belated birthday!

  13. There is a new hero from Florida (originally from Connecticut): Alan B. Hall! He gave his life saving a young girl! To think of him, bake some Key Lime Pie. To eat it, think of “Uncle” Alan Hall.

  14. YUM! It is my birthday next week, and I want this for my cake! And I’ll be doing raw food for the week after my birthday, and I think that’s an awesome reason to make this. Thank you! And I hope you had a birthday that was as wonderful as this key lime pie. ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Happy belated birthday! This sounds like the perfect cake for you. It looks so creamy too! I’ve actually been wanting to make a similar dessert after seeing a raw avocado-lime tart in a cookbook I just picked up…so it’s good to read your tips!

    • Let me know how it turns out! The one at the resto wasn’t nearly as decadent and creamy. Some are more mousse-like but I am not sure what creates that consistency. I was actaully shocked when they told me there was no lime in their pie at all. WTH? It certainly tasted like lime and not lemon!

  16. […] for all the birthday wishes, guys.ย  All of the well wishes, emails, comments and phone made it a special day. And the pie, of […]

  17. belated happy birthday – that pie looks amazing – so much better to eat at home when you can make that sort of pie and bashing coconuts about must be fun or at least therapeutic! How lucky that you can find 10 limes for $1 – I saw them for $1.50 each recently

  18. Love this! Thanks for linking up the the Potluck Party :

    I am so making this! ;))

    And happy Belated Birthday!!!!


  19. Found your recipe through Weekend Wellness. Lovely pictures. Now I’ve got to get my hands on some young coconut–kind of hard to find in my new location.

  20. This looks awesome!

  21. […] highlight of the pie are the fresh strawberries, the pie cannot be stored in the freezer (hello, Raw Key Lime Pie!). Instead, the leftovers were my breakfast for the rest of the […]

  22. ciao…the round up is on line,
    bye and thanks

  23. […] paired the wrap with a coconut-based cream. Now that Rob is gaining experience with opening coconuts, I ventured with a coconut recipe. I contemplated making a macadamia-based whipped cream but cheap […]

  24. […] Surprisingly, he agreed to the ransom! (To be fair, I rescinded a piece of the Raw Key Lime Pie) […]

  25. Happy birthday! Cancers are some of the best people, in my opinion. This pie looks **incredible.**

  26. Question… could you sub honey for the agave? I have lots of honey at home, no agave and i don’t like it due to the high processing… ๐Ÿ™‚

    I want to test this recipe out on my hubby before I unleash it to unsuspecting cottage neighbours ๐Ÿ˜‰


  27. […] their shelves. Sometimes it can be 4 bunches of leeks for $1, or 2 HUGE bunches of Swiss for $1, or 10 limes for $1 (this one seems to be a perpetual sale), sometimes advertised, other times not, especially if the […]

  28. […] loved the array of ‘raw’ (no-baking) recipes that she has, including my favourites: raw key lime pie and raw strawberry cream tart. [I should note thatย she adapted this particular recipe for cocoa […]

  29. […] loved the array of ‘raw’ (no-baking) recipes that she has, including my favourites: raw key lime pie and raw strawberry cream tart. [I should note thatย she adapted this particular recipe for cocoa […]

  30. […] oils, nut butters and agave. I know his food tastes good, although a bit heavy for me. After making Peacefood Cafe’s Raw Key Lime Pie earlier this summer, I know that restaurant quality really translates to fat and sugar, namely oil […]

  31. […] know I said my last raw cheesecake was utterly sinful, but how can a key lime pie compete with a chocolate cheesecake? A chocolate […]

  32. […] to raw foods, raw desserts are definitely the way to go. No stranger to decadent raw desserts (Raw Key Lime Pie, Better Than Nutella Cheesecake, Raspberry Cashew Dreamcake), sometimes they go thump with the […]

  33. […] Candle Cafeโ€™s Paradise Casserole with Black Beans, Millet and Cinnamon-Miso Sweet Potato Mash Gorilla Foodโ€™s Strawberry Bliss Up Shake Live Organic Cafe’s Raw Pad Thai Peacefood Cafe’s Raw Key Lime Pie […]

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