Scanner Files Three-fer. 2 of 3: Mystery roll of film and 1 image.

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This will be a short one.

After a bit of a vintage digital bender I shot and developed some film recently. Had two B&W rolls and one color roll to develop.


This is a post about the mystery roll in the middle.

Found in a drawer yesterday I had no idea what was on it, when it was taken, or what it was taken with,


Developed it together with a 120 roll of RPX 400 using Cinestill Df96 monobath and scanned.

Before loading.
After loading.
Shots for Blog Post

The result. 1 image. On a whole roll of 35mm film. Was I upset? Not really. I fully expected that the roll would be completely empty so one is much better than none. Not being 100% sure of what you are going to get is part of the fun of film for me. What of? A truck. Again I have no idea when this was taken or with what. Cannot even guess. Why did I only take one shot on a roll of film and stuff it in a drawer? Again I have no idea. But I like it.

Ilford HP5 - Only Shot On Found Roll