How would I spend my $100?

Joe Duffy is busy at work writing a book about concurrency in .NET. He asks how we would spend our $100, given a choice from a set of topics available. Well, I’d have to spend mine like this:

$5 – (0) Parallel algorithms (Comp Sci., technology agnostic)
$5 – (1) Architecting large scale concurrent programs
$5 – (2) Windows concurrency internals
$5 – (3) CLR concurrency internals
$5 – (4) Windows (Win32) concurrency API best practices
$5 – (5) CLR concurrency API best practices
$5 – (6) Client-side concurrency
$5 – (7) Server-side concurrency
$5 – (8) Reusable concurrency primitives (building and using them)
$5 – (9) Performance and scalability
$50 – (A) Debugging

And here’s why. Because debugging concurrent systems is Ruddy Hard!!!!! I wish I had $200 J


One thought on “How would I spend my $100?

  1. […] 8.       I completely agree with Andrew Matthews about debugging concurrent applications. In fact Visual Studio 2005 got a little less stable in some circumstances (lock-ups) than Visual Studio.NET 2003. I think that we should have some kind of visualisation like the allocation graph in the CLR Allocation Profiler. It would be really good at identifying memory contention between threads which can have a huge impact on performance. […]

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