Struggle for Hindu Existence

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Protest over ban on Gita in Russia rocks India from Loksabha to Russian Consulate, Kolkata.

ISKCON monks demonstrate in front of Russian consulate Kolkata to protest over Gita ban in Russia.

Indian Parliament ruckus over Bhagvad Gita facing ban in Russia.

See video:  Protest over Gita Ban in Russia

NEW DELHI: Parliamentarians across the political spectrum on Monday asked the government to ensure that the religious rights of Hindus in Russia are protected after a member pointed out an IANS report about the Bhagvad Gita facing a ban and the prospect of it being branded as “extremist” literature there.

Angry MPs forced the adjournment of the Lok Sabha till 2pm after Biju Janata Dal leader Bhartruhari Mahtab raised the issue in the house and asked the government to intervene immediately to ensure the religious freedom of Hindus in Russia.

He said a court in Siberia’s Tomsk city was set to deliver its final verdict on Monday in a case filed by state prosecutors, as was reported by IANS on Saturday when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was on an official visit to Moscow.

“I want to know from the government what it is doing. The religious rights of Hindus in Russia should be protected. The government should impress upon the Russian authorities through diplomatic channels,” he said.

The case, which has been going on in the Tomsk court since June, seeks a ban on a Russian translation of the “Bhagavad Gita As It Is” written by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).

It also wants the Hindu religious text banned in Russia, declared as literature spreading “social discord”, and its distribution on Russian soil rendered illegal.

Indians in Moscow, numbering about 15,000, and followers of the ISKCON religious movement in Russia have appealed to the Indian government to intervene diplomatically to resolve the issue in favour of the scripture, an important part of Indian epic Mahabharata written by sage Ved Vyas.

When Mahtab raised the issue, the lower house plunged into chaos, with MPs urging Speaker Meira Kumar to let them speak on the matter. She, however, refused and instead asked them to send notes and associate with Mahtab.

Lalu Prasad of the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RLD) was heard shouting that the Hindu scripture does not preach extremism.

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) members were also seen rising from their seats to protest the issue before Meira Kumar adjourned the house till 2pm.

Smt. Sushma Swaraj, the BJP MP and the leader of the opposition demanded that Gita should be declared as the National Book of Indian Nation so that nobody can ban it anyway.  

ISKCON monks demonstrate in front of Russian consulate Kolkata.

KOLKATA : 19/12/2011 : Monks belonging to ISKCON sect today staged a demonstration in front of the Russian consulate here at 22 A Raja Santosh Road , Alipore, Kolkata  decrying any move by a Siberian court to ban Bhagwad Gita across Russia. Some other Organisations like Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha, Arya Veer Dal, Rashtriya Goraksha Manch also participated in the dharna under the sole initiatives of the Devotees of Harkrishna Mahamantra. The demonstration started on 11-30 am and continued till 2-00 pm. A team of ISKCON Monks gave a memorandum to the Russian Consul General here not to ban Gita in Russia in any manner.


Holding placards and posters and chanting ‘Hare Rama, Hare Krishna to the beating of drums and cymbals, nearly 100 monks of International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) appealed to all MPs to pass a resolution in Parliament condemning the action of a group linked to the Christian Orthodox Church which has moved a Russian court seeking a ban the holy book by describing it as ‘extremist’.

“These initiatives of the Tomsk Prosecutor’s office offend the religious sentiments of all followers of Hinduism and bring disgrace to the country of Russia,” the ISKCON posters said.

Press Release of ISKCON Kolkata to protest the ban on Gita in Russian Court.

“Gita, the holiest Hindu scripture, is facing a legal ban and the prospect of being branded as an extremist literature across Russia,” Srimad Radharaman Dasa, Manager ISKCON temple told the media.

Over 100 copies of Srimad Bhagabad Gita, As It Is have been distributed to the participants, cops on duties and the passers by who were actually overwhelmed with the chanting of Harinam Sankirtanam and divine dance with the Sankirtanam.

Sri Raj Natahany and Sri Krishnakant Tiway, Advocate of Akhil Bhartiya Hindu Mahasabha condemned the attempt to ban Srimad Bhagabad Gita in Russia even after the destruction of Communism in Russia. Upananda Brahmachari eminent Hindu preacher, thinker and interlocutor was also present in the demonstration and told the press that the lovers and admirers of Gita will only stop this protest until the nefarious attempt to ban Gita is completely nullified. A bigger protest is awaited all over the Globe.

However, the Russian Consul General heard the monks of ISKCON very patiently and assured that he will convey the matter of sentiment and the protest of the Gita loving people in the right and higher authority. Hare Krishna !!

Memorandum of ISKCON given to Russian Consul General at Kolkata.

Courtesy : IANS | IBN | TOI | PTI | Nakshtra TV.

12 comments on “Protest over ban on Gita in Russia rocks India from Loksabha to Russian Consulate, Kolkata.

  1. budh pal singh chandel
    December 19, 2011

    aadrneey maun singh abhi daure pr the ,unone is bibhatsy kand ki chrcha russian kr ke bishay sudharna tha,shayad koi barta nahi hui ,kyo nahi ki be hi jane,bishay bhartiya sanskriti se juda hai,ham sabko birodh krna chahiye.|vandematram/jai hind|


  2. Iragavarapu Narasimhacharya
    December 19, 2011

    Foreign diplomacy of the Indian Govt.failed completely.Our ambassadors’role was not played well.How our Sri Sarvepalli RadhaakRiShNan the Ex.President of India
    earned name and fame to his mother country from the Soviet Russia when it was in Stalin’s rule is to be remembered.As an ambassador with white turban and a book on Indian philosophy in his hand was attracted to Stalin while he was taking a walk in the garden opposite to Kremlin and was invited to meet him(Stalin)in person.Sri RadhakriShnan stands exemplary as an ambassador.Now,we don’t have such people.Had our ambassadors played their role well these instances would not have happened.We have to pursue the issue with the Russian Govt.and fight against this antagonistic attitude towards the Indian philosophy and Indians there in Russia.


  3. indian citizen
    December 19, 2011

    कितना अजीब है कि गीता को ऐसे ग्रन्थ के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया गया है जो आतंकवाद को बढ़ावा देती है. दुर्भाग्य है हिंदुओं का.


    • Kumar
      December 22, 2011

      Hello!!! My Brother of Orthodox Church in Russia.

      Kindly read the Gita and then find out what is there in this book but don’t put any comment like rascal ny commenting ” Gita is a book of extremism.”

      If it is so real then why people fighting from the world not only Hindu but many Christians from US and worldwide. Why?
      Why American Christians following the Gita philosphy and left any other religious practice.

      Christians and Muslim trying to feed and fight to convert the people into their religion worldwide. This is the history. All the persons belonging to different religion those who read this Holy Book Gita, must try to follow the philosophy without any feed or fight. I found the Muslims and Christian fellow are in ISKCON (International Society For Krishna Consiousness).

      Sorry, if I have offended you any way. But I request you to please read the Gita and then comment however. I can’t stop the people doing so. I just tell the ideal thing.

      Thank you.
      Mrityunjay Dev.


  4. Purushottam Kumar
    December 20, 2011

    It is known fact that the Iskcon followers are being regularly harassed in Russia and in fact few have been even killed. In spite of such hostile environments these Krishna devotees never gave up their faith and kept on spreading the message of Gita in Russia. Seeing the tremendous determination of Iskcon followers, few Russians with an extremist mindset got alarmed and they thought if the religious text ‘Bhagavad Gita’ is banned then Iskcon devotees will not be able to practice Krishna Consciousness and will also not be able to share this wisdom with the Russians. I believe the govt. of India and also the Indian media should have woken up much before. Better late than never. Now that the govt. of India, parliamentarians, media has woken up, then they should take appropriate steps to impress upon the Russian govt. so that such an insane decision of banning the sacred Gita could not be taken.


  5. balayogiv
    December 20, 2011

    I have just one plea the Orthodox Christian Church which got the act of banning GEETHA must be made to read which will give clear meanings of how baby killing was the vehemently preached aspect of Christianity. We must all get the mailing list of Christian organizations all over the world especially those operating in Asia, USA and Africa and also the rulers of the world and send to all of them these two links and


  6. ManojManoj
    December 20, 2011

    The Bhagavad-Gita is one of the most ancient Scriptures of the World. The Gita is not meant for any one person or creed or nation, it is meant for humanity. It speak to a mind that has fought in life, a mind that is dissatisfied with constant want, a mind that is alert and thinking and that has many want.

    Bhagabhad Gita was written that time where there was no other Religion than Religion of Humanity.

    Some people doesn’t know and doesn’t want to know about Bhagabhad Gita. They want to create controversy among people in the name of religion.


  7. Jayasankar K
    December 21, 2011

    Why Russia against “Sree Bhagavath Geetha”? “Sreemad Bhagavath Geetha is really the Book of Life…….The Book of our life……..It tells us to overcome all the problems of our life…and it tells us the solutions of the problems of life……….Really its is the book of Life…….. It tells us to live with out spiteful,tension,attacking,violence,injustice,angry,greed, competition,discrimination,desire,cupful and all……..and live with justice,peace,non violence,duty,service and all………….We have Three Matha Grantha Religious Books as “Sreemad Bhagavath Geetha”,”Quran” and “Bible” and all the messages from all of these three books are same…….India is a secular country………and “Sreemad Bhagavath Geetha gives the message to do the duty with dedication.”Lord Sree Krishna” is his name as “Murari” the word meaning in Sanskrit “Murari” means Enemy Of Devil. and also the name as “Narakanashaka” means the Spoil of Hell or Destroy the hell.”Lord Sree Krishna” is a good motivator to the life……..”Sreemad Bhagavath Geetha” is a good and the book of our life………”Sreemad Bhagavath Geetha” is book of our Life….Chant “Hare Krishna………”


  8. JM Manilal
    December 21, 2011

    Please don’t try to Ban ‘Bhagavat Gita As It Is’ on behalf of ignorant people.
    Gita is only Book to lead the people on the right way. And Lord Krishna, he is the 1st person, who shows Communism to the World.
    GITA AS IT IS helped me a lot in my family life and leads a peaceful life.

    Thus here I humbly request you, “please don’t move against Bhagavat Gita As It Is”.

    Only GITA we can see, without blaming others, but shows spirituality and morality of Human Life…

    Here I understand, why Orthodox is bothering that the youngsters all are wish to go real life thru Bhagavat Gita As It Is …

    Actually Russian Court is in wrong way.


    Hopefully Looking forward…

    Best Regards,
    JM Manilal

    Commentaries from some of the greats…

    “When doubts haunt me, when disappoints stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavat Gita and find a verse to comfort me; and immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on the Bhagavat Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from every day”.

    __________________________________M.K. Gandhi

    “In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmological philosophy of the Bhagavat Gita , in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial”.

    ——————————————–Henry David Thoreau

    “In this beautiful translation, Srila Prabhupada has caught the deep devotional spirit of the Bhagavat Gita and has supplied the text with an elaborate commentary in the truly authentic tradition of Sri Krishna Caitanya, one of India’s most important and influential saints”.

    Dr. J. Stillson Judah,
    Emeritus Professor of the History of Religions
    and Director of the Library
    Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley

    “If the truth is what works, as Pierce and the pragmatists, there must be a kind of truth in the Bhagavat Gita As It Is, since those who follow its teachings display a joyous serenity usually missing in the bleak and strident lives of contemporary people”

    Dr. Elwin H Powell,
    Professor Sociology,
    State University of New York

    “Bhagavat Gita As It Is is a deeply felt, powerfully conceived and beautifully explained work… I have never seen any other work on the Gita with such an important voice and styles. It is work of undoubted integrity… It will occupy a significant place in the intellectual and ethical life of modern man for a long time to come”.

    Dr. S. Shukla,
    Assistant Professor of Linguistics,
    Georgetown Univerisity


  9. Satbir Singh Bedi
    December 21, 2011

    Govt. of India must act in this regard and cut off diplomatic relations with Russia unless Govt. of Russia tenders an unqualified apology to Hindus. After all, India is Hindustan, the land of the Hindus.

    Satbir Singh Bedi


  10. Raj
    December 23, 2011

    I request Indian Govt. to act immediately and protct rights of Indian in Russia.

    Raj Jhaveri
    New Jersey, USA


  11. Pramod Kushwaha
    December 28, 2011

    If Gita is banned in Russia, Indians can ponder banning Communism as ideological retaliation. रूस में गीता पर प्रतिबंध लगने की स्थिति में भारतियों द्वारा प्रतिकार स्वरूप कम्युनिज्म पर प्रतिबंध लगाने के विषय में चिन्तन करना चाहिये ।


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