The Kiev Massacre Video Photo Essay

The situation in Kiev is turning worse despite President’s ‘Truce’

Photo Essay and Video.

Harrowing footage has emerged which shows a group of anti-government protesters being picked off by special force snipers while progressing through Kiev’s Independence Square.

As medics try to attend to the victims, the snipers continue to fire shots at the group.

The footage comes just hours after Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych declared that he had reached a “truce” with the opposition.”


Police Kill Protestors.
Massacre in Kiev

Fire breaks out in Protest Kiev
A midst the Fire, Kiev Massacre


Sniper Fire in Kiev
YouTube The horrifying footage shows government snipers opening fire on a group of 20 anti-government protesters and medics


Kiev Snipers Takes aim
Sniper’s Take Aim


Fierce clashes continued on the bloodiest day of the unrest with BBC reporting at least 22 dead so far. Twenty six were killed yesterday.

The Ukrainian opposition and at least 10 pro-government MPs have called for an emergency parliamentary meeting as a conclusion to the unrest is sought.

Carl Bildt, the Swedish Foreign Minister, tweeted that there is “no doubt live ammunition used” by government forces in Kiev clashes in what is a “truly alarming development”.



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