Posted by: cindybythesea | August 17, 2009

E-mail from God

For about the past six months,  I have been getting monthly or bi-monthly text messages on my cell phone from an unknown  source.  Each text encourages me with a particular scripture and inspirational thought to keep following Jesus and to keep trusting God.  My friends call it my e-mail from God!   Wow, what a thought!   God text messaging ME – you’d think he might have better or at least more important things to attend to!  All kidding aside, I realize again, that I already have the most important text message ever written and its available to me and anyone who takes the time to read it, and its called the Bible.  I like to think of it as God’s personal love letter to me – and it is! – just as it is for you, and you and you and you too!

One of the  purposes for starting this blog is to pass on to anyone who might be interested some of the information, websites and articles  that I find particularly informative and helpful in understanding Bible prophecy in light of the times we live in.  You will see on the side bar under links, some of the websites that are my favorites.  I’ve already listed Look Up Fellowship which I read religiously -and recommend hightly.  Its written by a young guy who goes by the name of JRed and he does an excellent job of tieing together current events and Bible Prophecy.  I think his forte, is in getting people to look at the subtle signs that are all around us, in  addition to the major puzzle pieces, that we all pretty much know about.  I just finished reading his blog for August 17 and he does a great job reviewing the new film out “District 9”.   After reading his review, I have no doubt, (which I didn’t have anyway)  that Hollywood is working overtime promoting the preparation for mass acceptance of the existence of aliens for a not to far off full disclosure.  When this happens, (and it will) the world will have been prepared for the greatest deception in history.  Anyway, the film is District 9, the website is Look Up Fellowship – let me know what you think.    C

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