Pages & Paws

Writing, Reading, and Rural Life With a Border Collie

Family Matters in Delightful New Sci-Fi Novel


The Captain’s Daughters

By Doreen D. Berger

PolarisPrint, 2021

Genre: Fiction, Sci-Fi, Family

Rating: G

Via: Author Request

Summary: Two spunky sisters get more than they bargained for when they disobey their starship captain Dad and wind up captives in an interstellar game of cat-and-mouse.

“What lies within the folds of the fabric of the never-ending universe?

“Not now, Kimmi!” sniffs Her Momness.

Why is she saying this when I just brought her the Frisbee?  Hello? Earth to Mom? Come in, Mom?

“I’m right in the middle of the good part,” she says. “Can you gimme a min?”

Oh, bother. Cuz Mom said that like, two hours ago.

Hook, Line, & Frisbee

Truth is, a new sci-fi/fantasy book has snagged Mom’s attention. Hook, line, and Frisbee. I mean, um, sinker. It’s called The Captain’s Daughters. We’ve never read anything quite like it. Part Star Trek. Part The Twilight Zone. Part The Waltons. And all heart.

The Story

When space aliens bent on profit and revenge kidnap two spunky twelve year-old sisters, Diane and Robin must rely on their ingenuity, creativity, and indomitability to escape the alien vessel. Their father, Captain William Marsh, skippers a famous starship and launches a desperate search to find the girls. But when Diane and Robin engineer their own daring escape and arrive “home” on earth, they run into the surprise of their lives.


Family ties are at the heart of this story. Uplifting, engaging, and tightly written, The Captain’s Daughters is a thoroughly enjoyable, light-hearted read. The characters are believable, the dialogue credible. And just about the time we thought we knew where the plot was headed, wham! Wrong-a-mundo!

This agile tale of interstellar adventure and intrigue is as rich and warm as it is fresh and original. It’s also filled with fantastic settings. Other-worldly creatures. Dastardly villains and stalwart heroes. The story keeps you on your toes and keeps you guessing until the very end. 

Warm & Smiley

Kimber: You know that snug, fuzzy feeling you get lying on your fluffy bed next to a nice warm fireplace or furnace vent? That happy feeling that says you’re home, safe and sound, where you can relax and be yourself and people still love you even after that one slipper…? Oh, never mind.


Anyway, that’s how this book is. It’ll make you feel all warm and smiley inside. Like when Mom gives me kisses. (Don’t tell her I said that, okay?)

Highly recommended for upper elementary ages and anyone who enjoys a delightful family-affirming story flavored with fun and topped off with the fantastic.

Four paws up! Mom. Can I have the Frisbee now?


Our Rating: 4.5

2 thoughts on “Family Matters in Delightful New Sci-Fi Novel

  1. Hi Kimber! Love your site! You and Mom are doing a great job! And, of course, I love the review for The Captain’s Daughters!

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