Grampa and Teen Talk

teen talk 1

teen talk 2teen talk 3

I have always been a great believer. I've flitted from one belief to another, from religion to atheism and from one philosophy to another, until I finally settled on J. Krishnamurti whose philosophy is that there is no philosophy. So now I firmly believe that there is nothing to believe. Now such a belief would, I believe, have been considered dangerous to society if the authorities had believed me to be of any consequence. No man of consequence they believe would waste his time on the pursuit of blogging!

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Posted in cartoon, humour
7 comments on “Grampa and Teen Talk
  1. nursemyra says:

    Grandpa’s not the only one

  2. Lynn says:

    funny, exactly like a foreign language…poor grandpa..that willbe us someday.

  3. Whatsinaname says:

    Ask me – mom of a teenager and an almost-teenage girls. I am already a patient of the said disease.

  4. Donald Mills says:

    Tell grampa not to give up hope! He should do what I do – just turn down the hearing aid and pour himself a nice drink

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