Chat application histories as i remembered

June 11, 2013 at 4:01 pm (life) (, , , , )

When did you get involved into the chat world?

For me it all began during my high school years when the chatting fad is still new. I remembered there are couple of times that i fell asleep in front of my pc while chatting 😛

Below are the chatting medium as i remembered according to my own experience and memories :

1. mIRC

  • to log into the chat, when successfully connected, in the connection windows there would be a long message displayed once connected. only those who have used mIRC would understand the happiness seeing the message when it is connected since connection is still a problem during that days
  • by default malaysians would be in the chatroom #kampung and #mamak
  • asl (age/sex/location) is the tagline when you started to chat with someone new
  • when you have already be ‘friends’ with someone, they would ask you to join their private group other than #kampung and #mamak. Then that guy would introduce the newcomers to the rest of the group
  • there would be gatherings where these people would arrange and meetup in real life

2. ICQ

  • the logging id is a bunch of random numbers which are impossible to remember
  • the logo is a picture of flower
  • there is a cute “oh oh” sound when your friends chats with you

3. Yahoo Messenger (early days)

  • A chat where you can add in your friends that is already on Yahoo mail.
  • You can share pictures and files

4. Gtalk

  • Messenger same as Yahoo messenger
  • the chat can also be access through email. Because it is embedded in email, for places that blocked chat application, gmail is just the right solution since it can be opened in a normal browser.
  • history is saved in your email

Nowadays with all the smart phones and free chats and sms around, I found myself using less and less of these mentioned application. Nowadays I am using whatsapp, line, imsg to connect with my friends n family. Whatever apps you are using..i think these free chats and sms are here to stay 🙂

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