Should’ve known…

I have a little problem, I can’t resist coloured glass. Bowls, vases, plates…old fashioned ornate coloured glass, the kind you find in charity shops, antique stores, estate or garage sales. The kind that your Grandma or Great-Aunt had on a sideboard…can you see it?

You would think, knowing I was heading to a charity shop I would have anticipated something like this happening.

Yesterday I went to our local Goodwill Store to buy some books to read on holidays, you know, some light beach reading. That was all I was there for, just books. Only books!

Walking to the cash register I spotted it, a beautiful amber coloured glass something, I think it’s an ashtray. I picked it up, wow, heavy. I put it down.

I walked away, I walked back.

Picked it up again, it is really heavy. I put it down and looked around, there was no-one there to save me. I picked it up and looked at the price tag. Seriously! 8 BUCKS!

I bought it.

Yes yes yes, I don’t have a job right now, but it was 8 BUCKS!

You might be asking yourself if I know anything about coloured glass; do I know if it’s Carnival or Depression, mid-century or vintage, (or is that the same thing?), do I know the value?

I don’t.

I do know that when the light hits it, and the colours reflect, making pretty patterns on everything they touch, it makes me happy.


p.s. I don’t normally store the glass in the snow…but it does look pretty. The amber coloured “bowl” on the left, above the red vase and below the green glass, is the culprit.

via Daily Prompt: Premonition

7 thoughts on “Should’ve known…

  1. What a lovely thing to collect. My daughter did lots of stained glass in a college workshop. Of course it ended up here at my house and I LOVE it. My fear? She is going to get her own house and reclaim it.

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