100 Words | #2 Begin


She looked at the sheet nervously. She had a few moments before she could officially begin. She always utilised this time to assess the damage. She knew it only made her more nervous, but she did it anyway.

She looked around. Sweat on the forehead, foot-tapping, drumming of fingers, and biting nails were the few things she saw. But no one else looked around. She felt guilty for wasting those few precious seconds and turned her gaze back to the piece of paper in front of her.

Then she heard the bell.

“You may begin writing now,” the teacher said.

This post is a part of a weekly series.
Click Here to see Week 1 – A for Avoid (Previous Week’s Post)
Click Here to see Week 3 – C for Clear (Next Week’s Post)
Click here to read all 100 Words Posts.

In an effort to present myself with a creative challenge, yet take the pressure off and be regular, I’ve committed to myself to write a post with 100 words in the content every week. To make choosing the topic easier, I have assigned an alphabet to each week. For example: Week 1 (Jan 1-7) – A, Week 2 (Jan 8-14) – B, and so on. So in 52 weeks, the whole alphabet will be covered twice.
If you want to join in, feel free to write on any topic (you don’t need to adhere to A, B, C) and write any day of the week. The link will open every Monday, 8 AM IST and will be open till the following Monday, 7:55 AM IST.

100 Words- Week 2 with Mrs. Writes a Latte

<a href=" https://mrswritesalatte.com/2018/01/08/100-words-2-begin" title="Mrs. Writes-a-Latte"><img src=" https://mrswritesalatte.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/100-words-week-2-with-mrs-writes-a-latte.png" alt="100 Words- Week 2 with Mrs. Writes a Latte" width="300" /></a>

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