
Book Review: The Upside of Falling

45891343Author: Alex Light

Genre: YA Contemporary

Release Date: 02.18.20

Publisher: HarperTeen

Source: Purchased

My Rating: 4/5 stars

Synopsis: “It’s been years since seventeen-year-old Becca Hart believed in true love. But when her former best friend teases her for not having a boyfriend, Becca impulsively pretends she’s been secretly seeing someone.

Brett Wells has it all. Being captain of the football team and one of the most popular guys in school, he should have no problem finding someone to date, but he’s always been more focused on his future than who to bring to prom. When he overhears Becca’s lie, Brett decides to step in and be her mystery guy. It’s the perfect solution: he gets people off his back for not dating and she can keep up the ruse.

Acting like the perfect couple isn’t easy though, especially when you barely know the other person. But with Becca still picking up the pieces from when her world was blown apart years ago and Brett just barely holding his together now, they begin to realize they have more in common than they ever could have imagined. When the line between real and pretend begins to blur, they are forced to answer the question: is this fake romance the realest thing in either of their lives?”


Y’all, this book was so cute and adorable. I decided to read it hoping that it would cheer me up a bit, and it succeeded in doing just that. The romance was swoon worthy and I really enjoyed everything this book had to offer. It’s a quick read with a lot of cute packed in the pages! I’d highly recommend picking this book up if you’re looking for something fun that perfectly mixes just enough serious with a whole lot of endearing moments.

If you’ve been reading my reviews for some time then you’d probably already know that I’m a sucker for the “fake dating” trope…and I did love this take on it! The reason I discovered The Upside of Falling in the first place was because of that trope and I am so glad I did. The relationship between Brett and Becca was, yes adorable as I’ve said 100 times, but also very authentic. Their bond was beautiful to read about as they grew closer. It felt real and lovely and enjoyable.

Now, I’m writing this review several months after finishing this book. I’ve been a bit behind and so has my memory. But, if there is one thing that I’m getting out of writing this review (with only a little memory of the story) it would be the desperate want to reread this book. Every time I think of The Upside of Falling I get a little fuzzy feeling inside that has me wanting to grab this book and start it all over again.

So, as you can see, I really enjoyed this book. It was cute and sweet and I honestly might just have to do a reread now!


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