Happiness Chronicles Debut

Michele and I have been working for months now and we are so excited to have our trailer/teaser to show the world what we have been up to!

I am pleased to present the trailer to our happiness movie, The Happiness Chronicles.

The Happiness Chronicles asks some revealing questions: “Are you happy?”, “What makes you happy?”, “Do you believe in happiness?” and most importantly, “Are you choosing happiness?” These questions may sound simple, but, we discovered when a person is asked the question “Are you happy”, it isn’t always readily answered. We also explore the question of how to achieve happiness.

Am I Happy Movie DebutThe idea for the film really came into focus as I was writing my recent guide to happiness, Be Alive in Five, a workbook featuring exercises you can use daily to create a happier life. I wanted to understand why some people are happy and some are not. What makes the difference? Are there those of us who are predisposed to happiness? Maybe there is indeed a “happiness gene.” Is achieving happiness tied to health, wealth, race, career, religion? If we understand that happiness is a choice, well then, why aren’t more of us choosing to live happy lives? Is happiness out there somewhere, or part of the internal workings of our mind?

Michele and I have really just begun our quest, as there are many interviews to be completed. Every person we talk with brings a new insight into what may perhaps evolve into our “Happiness Chronicle’s Exceptional Philosophy of Happiness.” (Hmmm, another book perhaps?)

Michelle and I would like our film to help you discover how to achieve happiness. We are having so much fun that we intend to travel the world to define the importance of happiness, why it often remains just out of reach and what we can do to grab it and hang on!

More to come from the Road to Happiness, so stay with us!

©Christina Florence – November 2010

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