





強力粉 190g
水 120ml
オリーブオイル 大さじ3
ドライイースト 3g(小さじ1)
塩 ひとつまみ

市販のトマトソース 150g
ロースハム 100g
パイナップルリング(缶詰) 100g
ピザ用チーズ 100g
オレガノ 小さじ1



It’s been getting chillier in Tokyo this week – winter is clearly getting close… Maybe that’s why I was craving for some pizza, and decided to make a Finnish classic, Pizza Tropicana.

This pizza has been on the menu of a Finnish pizza chain from the beginning, and it’s so highly popular that almost all pizza places in Finland have added it to their menu. Tropicana was my favourite pizza too as a kid.

So what’s actually inside? Tomato sauce & cheese for sure, but the main toppings are roast ham and pineapple! There are lots of discussions if pineapple should be used in savory foods or not as there are people who are not fan of it, but in Finland topping a pizza with pineapple is totally normal…!

A bit sweet-and-sour pineapple actually goes very well with salty ham, and combining it with deep-flavoured tomato sauce and melting cheese makes this pizza irresistible both for adults & kids!

Pizza Tropicana, a.k.a Roast Ham & Pineapple Pizza (makes 2–3 portions)

190g Bread Flour
120ml Water
3 tbs Olive Oil
3g (1 tsp) Dry Yeast
A hint of Salt

150g Ready-made Tomato Sauce
100g Roast Ham
100g Pineapple Rings (canned)
100g Shredded Cheese
1 tsp Oregano

1) Put water into a heat-resistant bowl and warm in 600W microwave for 20 secs to warm to 42°C. Add dry yeast and whisk well, then add olive oil and salt. Add flour in 2-3 portions and knead by hand until the dough doesn’t stick to hands anymore. Cover with cling film and let leaven in 40°C for 30 minutes.
2) Cut ham into 1cm thick slices and pineapple rings into 8 pieces.
3) Move ① to table covered with a cooking sheet and roll into a rectangular shape. Slide over to an oven plate with the sheet, brush tomato sauce on and top with ham and pineapple, then cover with shredded cheese.
4) Bake in 220°C for 20 minutes until cheese melts and turns to golden brown.
