Monday, March 27, 2017

Dear God, I have a difficult day ahead. I am afraid of what may happen, how everything will go. It is hard for me to find you, since so many thoughts crowd my mind.

Lord, let me truly rely on you today. I am only afraid because I believe myself to be the architect of my day. But the design is yours. My effort is properly exerted in seeking and doing your will. Let me not ask, “how can I succeed?” But instead, “what is your will for me?”

Grant me an understanding, in each situation, of what you would have me do. Let me relax when anxious, so that I might hear your voice.

So often you speak to me quietly, in a still, small voice. Let me listen. Sometimes your voice is that of another person. Let me listen for that, too.

Let me listen to learn your will for me. Let me not seek to understand your broader intent, just what you would have me do.

Grant me willingness to act according to your desire.
