I’m me

As many young people received exam results, I’m reminded how that felt all those years ago. The elation of achieving more in some subjects, and disappointment and sadness were I’d achieved less in others. Lots of water has passed under the bridge since then. Many jobs have come & gone. Many things achieved, skills acquired and talents honed. Yet my lasting memory, and reflection is – you are not defined by what you do, say or achieve.

Your value comes from YOU. From within!

Be proud, hold your head high. You’re worth of deep praise and high acylation and this has nothing to do with that which is recorded on a bit of paper. Educate, qualifications, are all great. But they do not define who we are.

Compassions, kindness, integrity, empathy, passion, knowing right from wrong, standing up for what you believe, being and advocate & speaking out for those who can’t. These are the things that have motivated me thus far through life.

And so, as I find myself at a crossroad in my own life, choices to make, decisions, options, opportunities. I am again reminded. I’m not defined by what I do, say or achieve (or the job I have). I’m me.

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