Hello my friends. Happy 2021 to everyone! We survived 2020!

For the first chronicle of the year, I chose a topic that seems silly, but it is far from being that.

Every new year I try to stay on the beach. I think New Year’s Eve is one of, if not the most special and emblematic date for me.

For me, New Year’s Eve is renewal, hope, mystery and new adventures. What awaits me? What will I become?

As a skeptical and Japanese oriented Cartesian person, I follow the New Year’s Eve ritual to the most: I go to a place outside my everyday life, dressed in White (a brazilian tradition), and jump the 7 waves aiming for a wish for each one.

This year I was surprised by myself. I share something here that I don’t even tell my close friends. You don’t know me personally, and that’s why I feel more like sharing this list. I don’t post this story even on social media.

Every year I get confused when placing my wishes Everything changes at the time, and as I do this ritual of jumping the 7 waves more than once (to see if it really works) the desires end up changing.

In fact, I never had desires so assertive in my mind, and I usually asked what everyone asks for: health, money, love, peace in the world and blah blah blah.

However, this year I had the 7 wishes very well in mind, and in the 4 or 5 times I did, they remained the same and in the same order, pure and crystalline as the Noronha Sea where I spent New Year’s Eve from 2020 to 2021.

They are (in order of priority):

Health to my parents and family.

Again, I am grateful for another year with them healthy and able to talk, drive, travel with the family. After the age of 70, each year is a blessing to be celebrated. As long as they are in good health and alive, more than half of my peace is guaranteed. For now.

Financial peace for me and my family

This is an item that I could easily leave for the last few, as I have worked the past few decades to achieve this financial peace that I have today. However, I know that in past lives I have been through tough times. That only explains my anxiety and fear of becoming poor and miserable. If that continues, 90% of my peace is guaranteed in 2021 with my parents in good health.

A true love,  worthy of being serious and impactful in my life.

AH, is this the third item that surprised me? Dah. Every single woman asks for it.

 Not all.

I never asked for it until today and it wasn’t even in the first places. It was those last wishes, more to fill the blank spaces and complete the list.

My first places were always financial independence, success at work, second apartment, material things. Travel to the world, be happier and such.

However, after 40, I achieved all this, modesty aside. And at the age of 44, the desires change, and those so mushy that you made fun of your romantic friends and little women, now start to affect you. Perhaps it is the end of my individualistic era and I am alone forever.

But yes, I admit that after a long celibate period after a breakup, I would like to find someone special to share life with. I am ready. Come love!

Note: If you do not come, at least one boy magia to sparkle some life. Please God. Thank you in advance. Amen.

Succeed in my current job with the compact fit consulting and the Inspiring Girls team and being able to achieve the Pro project.

Now that’s a awesome wish!

Have a new inspiration and life goals

Having new friends and being healthy and ready for new adventures

Travel more myself and with my family and friends

Well, the 5, 6 and 7 are items that I order every year. They are not just blank filling, but they are the usual generics.

Don’t bem mad at me, I didn’t ask for a cure for cancer, the Covid-19 vaccine and world peace. This is something I ask for every day before bed and is beyond my reach.

I do believe that what you ask for from the universe and what you have control to accomplish, has great chances of achieving. If you don’t even materialize what you want, that’s what the Universe has no way of knowing to give you.

Write your goals on paper, jump imaginary waves if you can’t go to the sea, but believe me: this ritual has Power! And a happy 2021 for all of us! May it be a blessed and magical year for you and me!