Virtual Meeting Whiteboard

When I am facilitating a meeting or class period, my main focus is that our time together is well-organized and efficient. I want participants to have access to all of the resources they need and I, as the presenter, want to have everything I need at hand. This Meeting Whiteboard Template does just that. The template is a Google Slide deck with a main layout slide and a few examples of customizations you can make to fit your own needs.

Get your copy here and watch how to customize it!

Organize your virtual meeting agenda and resources just as you would a classroom whiteboard with the added feature of linked content! Better yet, because this template exists in Google Slides you can simply duplicate your first meeting whiteboard and modify it to use for your next session! If you want to change the template elements, simply drag-and-drop, delete, and/or create shapes for your meeting needs! Presenting your meeting whiteboard during a virtual session gives all participants access to everything they need in one view. Further, if maintaining participant privacy is a factor, your meeting is focused only on the slide, not participants cameras. (Thanks for the great tip, Mandy Bellm!)

How to use the Template in Zoom

What about Google Meet?

I am an avid Google Meet-user so I would love to be able to use this the same way on that platform BUT since Google Meet does not layer the host video over a presented slide show it won’t work that way for now. My Twitter pal, Brenda Maurao came up with one idea I plan to try though! She found this video from Jamie Keet of Teacher’s Tech that shows how to use a tool called Snap Camera to create your own camera lenses and that WILL work in Google Meet so I plan to spend some time experimenting with that!

Consider these other uses!

  • Although you may not be able to overlay your host video in all cases, you can use this template for more than just synchronous virtual meetings. Consider clicking record on your favorite screencasting tool (I am partial to Screencastify!) and then presenting your slide as a table of contents for your video. If you link out to all of your content you won’t waste any time searching for resources during your recording.
  • Consider duplicating your customized slide layout and planning out several meetings or class sessions ahead. If you share your slides before or after with your participants, you’ll ensure that they have access to all the resources they need!

I’d love to hear about the ways you are customizing the meeting whiteboard template for your own needs so please share if you do!

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13 thoughts on “Virtual Meeting Whiteboard

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  1. Hi! Thank you very much for sharing this template! Question, are students able to click on links in the agenda during your share screen or can they only click on links when they open the agenda in a different window?
    Thank you again!


  2. Thank you very much for this. I used it last week, but the host video could not be seen in the right spot by the participants. I moved it over, so on my screen it looked right, but not on others’ screens. Thank you.


  3. I love the idea of creating slides to use. I have not used it before but am excited to create one that would grasp students attention. I would also like to create one for my one on one students that is interactive.


  4. Hello

    Thank you so much for sharing this. It is there any way you can update the video about using the template in zoom? it does not work right now.

    Thank you


    1. Yes, if the host presents the slide as the background, participants can choose the setting on the video panel to show the one person who is speaking and then drag the video panel into the space provided.


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