Gerald R. Miller Dissertation Award

It is such a great honor that my dissertation was recognized by the National Communication Association as one of the outstanding dissertation in the academic year 2019/2020 by awarding the Gerald R. Miller Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award! The dissertation is titled– “The Impacts of Visual Message Features in Cancer Risk Communication” which included three studies (a metanalysis, a large online survey experiment, and a lab experiment) employing multiple methodological perspectives including physiological measures. As the title suggests. the dissertation investigated the persuasive impact of visual message features in the context of cancer prevention and control.

I am incredibly grateful for the guidance of my excellent dissertation committee members at the University of Utah. I look forward to continuing my research here at Texas State University and extending the findings of my dissertation to contribute to the field of communication.

The news was featured by Texas State University and Department of Communication and College of Humanities at the University of Utah.

The award has been given by NCA since 1970 to recognize new scholars who have recently completed their dissertation. The list of awardees to receive this award over the years can be found here.

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