Part Two: Let God.

So how do we do it? How do we let go of fear and speak truth into one another’s lives? It’s simple, really. Pray.

Pray and spend time in the word. Soak up verses and place them in your heart. Fall in love with the story of great grace, unending mercy, and redemption. The more in tune you are with God the more He will use you, and man, there is nothing like letting God use you.

One of the ways that God speaks into my life so clearly is when I hear the same message from multiple, trusted sources. Whether it’s a book or a song or a facebook post or, most special, a whisper to my heart that couldn’t have possibly been born of my own mind. I am immensely blessed when I hear the same message repeated in my life. And even more blessed when God lets me do that for others.

1 Corinthians 2: 13 And we speak about these things, not with words taught us by human wisdom but with words taught us by the Spirit. And so we explain spiritual truths to spiritual people.”

The more I get to know God, the more I realize that he loves people. He loves relationship. The character traits of Jesus that I most admire- love, peace, patience, service- all must be demonstrated through interactions with others. We first cultivate our relationship with Him. We listen to Him, seek advice from Him, and fulfill our need to know Him. Then, He lets us do that with one another. Every word and deed ever used to change men’s hearts has already been woven into the fabric of time. He knows how the story ends and he wants us to be a part of it, so let him. Let God use you.

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