World Book Day

Today is World Book Day! Honestly, I am not much of a bookworm, but I enjoy reading a book once in a while; I think everyone does. On the occasion of a day dedicated to reading books, I have decided to share few titles that have influenced me.

  1. Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote 

This is one of my all-time favourites. It’s a book that I can always go back to, mainly due to nostalgia for my teenage years. I read it as a teenager, and the unconventional life of Holly Golightly intrigued me. I can remember that after reading the book, I wanted to have a friend like Holly when I grow up. It hasn’t happened yet, but who knows, maybe one day. Oddly enough, I have never seen the film based on the story, and it seems to be more popular than the book; I shall watch it some day.

2. Small Island by Andrea Levy 

This novel has opened my eyes to a different perspective on imperialism. It gives a glimpse into the lives of peoples in the British Empire. It has also taught me a lot about the differences between the British and American attitudes towards people of colour. The plot is both gripping and moving; this book is definitely a must-read. 

3. Material Nation: A Consumer’s History of Modern Italy by Emanuela Scarpellini

The book discusses Italy’s consumerism principally in the 19th and 20th centuries. The period when consumerism, as we know it, began to develop. Even though the book focuses on the Italian example, it also provides comparisons among a few consumerist societies of Western Europe, and the analysis can be applied to any other country. It is a historiographical work, but it transcends its field. While reading the book and after finishing it, I reflect a lot about my approach to consumption and how growing in a consumerist culture had shaped me. If you make any purchases, then you should read this book; it’s an eye-opener.

4. Acne and Rosacea: Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Treatment by David Goldberg & Alexander Berlin 

Given the nature of my blog, it seems apt to include one skin-related publication. I cannot say that I have ever read the book entirely, though I have read most of it. It’s a manual intended for dermatology students and dermatologists, so I guess I don’t have to read it all. However, it has helped me to understand the skin functions and the conditions described better. It has taught me to make smarter choices when it comes to skincare. And let me tell you, no matter what brands try to sell you, there aren’t any new treatments for acne or rosacea; we have the same treatments that have existed for years or even millennia. Follow your doctor’s advice and be consistent with the products prescribed; they will work.

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