Camille Claudel (1864 – 1943)

Camille Rosalie Claudel

(8 Dec 1864 – 19 Oct 1943) was a French sculptor known for her figurative works in bronze and marble. She died in relative obscurity, but later gained recognition for the originality and quality of her work.

Camille Claudel in 1884.

Camille Claudel, L’Abandon, grand modèle, 1886. Photo: courtesy of Artcurial.

She is confined to a mental hospital on 10 March 1913 (aged 48), where she will remain for the rest of her days…. for 30 uears…. source

La Fortune, ca. 1900
Le Dieu Envolé, 1894
Camille Claudel, La petite châtelaine, 1896

Left: Camille Claudel travaille à Sakountala dans l’atelier, 177Rue des Petits-Champs. At the back Jessie Lipscomb.© musee Rodin, photo Jean de Calan | source

Camille Claudel (1864-1943) devant sa statue de Persée, vers 1898. Paris, Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand.© Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand / Roger-Viollet | source

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