Some Benefits of Belly Dancing That Will Take You by Surprise

belly dance

It is not that surprising why most women—those in pursuit of the answer to their lower belly pooch and stubborn arm fat—try belly dancing and get so crazy about it. While there are women who go to the gym, wear a game face on, and hit the treadmill and lift dumbbells hard, belly dancers step into the studio with a spry and dance their maddening fats away!

Belly dancing is an amusing way to burn calories and lose weight, and yes, we rarely find fitness activities that will keep us motivated to do time and again like belly dancing. That alone is already persuasive for you to give this dance routine a go, but if you are not that convinced yet, then we have more for you.

The benefits of belly dancing do not just end on that. Its benefits are almost endless, and you can squeeze all of its beneficial juice as long as you allow it to. Here are some.

It is low maintenance.

Of course, you can own the dance floor and wear your full-blown belly dancing costume, with hip skirts and all, but really, all you need is a bottle of water and a towel! You do not even have to go to a belly dancing studio to learn some dance moves. You can browse YouTube videos and do it at home.

However, if you are serious about the craft, you can enroll in belly dancing schools so you can learn the art and science behind the hip swivels, hip lifts, shoulder isolations, belly rolls, and more!

It improves joint health and posture.

Due to constant low-impact movements—shoulder blades meeting together, chest lifting, belly tightening, abs contraction, sexy hip swivels, among the many—our body produces synovial fluid, a natural lubricant that can lessen, therefore smoothen, the friction between our articulating joints.

It is an internal massage.

The smooth stretching and rolling movements of our abdominal muscles act like a restorative and reinvigorating massage. This internal abdominal massage improves digestion and blood circulation. If you feel occasional lightheadedness due to some sudden drop in your blood pressure, why not get up on that couch and give this fun activity a try?

It reduces stress.

You may lose around 200 to 300 calories per hour, depending on the intensity of your dance moves. However, if you want to go past more than just losing weight, taking up a formal belly dance classes would be a wise resolve. There are many belly dance schools where you can learn the proper belly dance movements to make the most out of each hip flicks and shimmy, hagalas, and ribcage slides!

You can do this with the intention of getting your mind off the things that pull you down or breaking out of bad mood, but these complex series of movements and muscle isolations can tap into your inner feminine energy. This connection can help you release muscle tensions and mental stress, and translate them into meaningful physical movements.

What’s more, the choreography can help you train your mind not to wander off but focus and concentrate—some mental routines to save you from developing Alzheimer’s and dementia.

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