Bonfire Suffragettes

Lewes is famous, or perhaps infamous, for its lively Bonfire Night celebrations. Tens of thousands of spectators gather in the town and local brewer Harveys seems to do very well out of the night.

However the real heart of Bonfire are the bonfire societies. These groups of family and friends work hard all year to raise funds and organise the fireworks for the 5th of November.

One of these brave bands of Bonfire enthusiasts, Nevill Juvenile Bonfire Society, had a particularly distinctive look for 2018. To celebrate the centenary of some women getting the vote, nearly 100 girls and women marched in the bonfire parade from Nevill, down School Hill in the centre of the town.

Sadly, normal bonfire celebrations had to be suspended for 2020, but let’s hope they are back again soon.

Photo: courtesy of Sarah-Jane Riddell.

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