GetSocial Live: a cross-platform social bookmarking widget for

GetSocial Live
GetSocial is now a web service!
It works with PC, Mac & Linux and no download is required:

I’ve just launched a new (and very special) version of GetSocial:
GetSocial Live is a web service that generates script-less social bookmarking toolbars for your blog. It’s fast, extremely easy to use and absolutely free!

Here’s an example of what you’ll get:

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GetSocial for Mac
GetSocial Live is similar to good ol’ GetSocial, but it offers only the basic functionality of the Windows application. On the other hand, it’s got some huge benefits too:

1. GetSocial Live supports every OS and every web browser (Mac users, this time I totally came through for you!).

2. No download is required.

3. GetSocial Live will be centrally updated (so you will always use the latest version).

How can you help?
GetSocial is free, but manufacturing and maintaining it sure isn’t!

You can help by donating (even in Euros and Pounds) – Contributors of 25 USD or more will receive a 50 USD worth* promotional Google AdWords coupon code for free!

I’ve also embedded some Google AdSense into GetSocial Live, and while Google policies forbid me from directly encouraging clicks – I’ll merely say: CLICK ON THOSE ADS!!!!!!

If you like (or even if you just use) GetSocial – tell your friends about it! Post about GetSocial/GetSocial Live, add to your blogroll, share via social networks and generally let people know that there is a new social bookmarking service in town!

Known issues:
‘Copy to clipboard’ will only work with IE. FF and chrome users need to right-click and copy the code manually…

Check out GetSocial Live!

* The coupon code is only valid for new (less than 14 days old) Google AdWords accounts. The coupon marked value is 200 NIS, actual value in USD may vary. Available while supplies last.


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22 Responses to “GetSocial Live: a cross-platform social bookmarking widget for”

  1. 1 gofreshforce Monday, June 28, 2010 at 20:07

    This is phenomenal! Wish we had discovered it sooner… Great work, love that it is free and easy to implement. Many thanks!

  2. 2 Avraham Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 22:26

    LOVE this! Really appreciate all the work that must go into this.

    One question. Is there any way to integrate it with WP so that it is done automatically as opposed to each post on its own?


  3. 3 Social bookmarking Friday, February 19, 2010 at 13:55

    Thanks for the important information about social bookmarking. please also add in your social bookmarking site list.

  4. 4 mjansson Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 14:40

    For some reason the twitter button doesn’t seem to work properly. The message posted into twitter doesn’t link anywhere. Any idea what’s happening?

  5. 6 Peyton Farquhar Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 02:50

    Beautiful idea but how/where exactly is the code posted to a wordpress blog? Pasting the code to an entry results in the code only. No buttons. No links. Just HTML code. A little help as to what goes where should be forthcoming otherwise your util is useless.

  6. 8 AhsanShankar Friday, November 20, 2009 at 12:18

    Nice widget and thanks for sharing here

  7. 9 AKash Thursday, October 29, 2009 at 22:02

    Thanks I love you! This is absolutely a brilliant piece of work that you have accomplished.

    I have one question/suggestion. Is it possible for you to have one more option where we have transparent backgroun? That’ll totally tilt the app in favor of people who love their site layout.

    As you can see from my site, on a black background, a white strip with 6 icons doesn’t look appealing, even though the Design Links look killer!

    Thanks so much

    – AK

  8. 10 Jason Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 11:42


    thanks for the great program Getsocial :-) IN this post here it was mentioned you would add the ‘send to email’ features in Getsocial. Do you have an idea when this will be done?


  9. 14 yarnaholic Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 09:48

    Thanks for the usefulness of GetSocial, it’s a Great Idea. But why not use the short link option? The twitter link to this post is “GetSocial Live: a cross-… @” Not a lot of room for twittering.

  10. 16 Dave Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 09:05

    Very cool! Im working on it right now! Thanks!

  11. 17 T3CK Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 08:54

    This is great news thanks for upgrading the service to cover more platforms. :)

  12. 19 Dave Patterson Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 08:45

    Is this widget only available for wordpress hosted blogs or is it compatable with self hosted wp installations as well?

  1. 1 Jakaminen on taidetta « Mervi Mavendorf´s Blog Trackback on Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 15:56
  2. 2 GetSocial Goes Live For Multi Platforms. « Teck~Line Lounge Trackback on Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 09:15
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Chillin' @ Heat Transfer Lab
(May 2007)


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