Seeing Beyond The Present

I have a friend who started out in a small way in the craft business and took his crafts to a local farmers’ market. And, while the first year did not produce a huge profit barely covering costs, he kept at it learning from mistakes and moving forward with better products and more of them.

This friend also wanted to move beyond working for someone else and learned that determination and the stick to it strategy paid off even though times were tough. In this case, this friend valued himself and his ability and saw beyond his current situation even though success came only in very small increments.

To date, this friend has left his minimum wage job and is a full-time crafter selling products across the province.

Real Value Established Through Living To The Fullest
The value is in the person; the value is in the quest to move beyond that which comes easy; the value is who they are through hard times; the value is also who you become having surpassed ones own expectations. Do you want to be more like money?

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