Where are you from ?

I often find people asking me this question. Maybe its because of the multilingual and cultural upbringing I had.

But I’ve never been able to come up with a straight answer to this.

What should I say ?
Where am I from ?

Should I tell them my birth place ?
My father’s village ?
City where I’ve spent most of my days ?
The place where I’ve spent my childhood ?
What about that place where my happiest memories are from ?
Maybe the place where I feel like myself ?
Place which has my heart ?
How about that place where I run to when I’m upset ?
That place where my mind wanders to when I feel low ?

Or the delusional place in my head where I drift to, every time I feel that I don’t belong here ? The place where I feel alive; where I find solace..

Where am I from ?

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