A Christmouse Tale.

My blog has been a rather quiet place this year, but I thought as we were nearing that ‘Ho! Ho! Ho! time when stockings will be hung waiting to be filled, that I would remind you of my little book  ‘A Christmouse Tale’ ….. A Heart-Warming Tale in rhyme from a family of mice at Christmas Time.

I wrote the poem for my grandchildren one evening a few years ago when I was sitting at home after a bad fall downstairs. I was so thrilled last year to work with a lovely young illustrator ‘Rosie Young’ whose drawings brought my poem to life and i still cant believe I got it published and people are buying it. (Slight self doubt issue!!)

I was so touched by this review on Etsy this week.

I was smiling like a cheshire cat to myself all day đŸ™‚

Do have a look on ‘Etsy’. Those mice are travelling to quite a few places around the globe already, and Im loving feeling like ‘Mrs Claus’ as I wrap each book, pop it in an envelope and send it on its way.


Christmas just isn’t Christmas without ‘A Christmouse Tale’

Love Alison x

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